Israel and Egypt do not allow Blair’s sister-in-law out of Gaza by land

September 3, 2008

Laurn Booth, who is the sister-in-law to British envoy for the Middle East Quartet Committee, Tony Blair, along with two other activists, have until now been denied access to leave Gaza. They have been denied both through the Rafah crossing terminal controlled by Egypt in southern Gaza and the northern Gaza Strip checkpoint in Eritz controlled by Israel. >>>>>

Palin Meets with AIPAC

September 3, 2008

“That’s obviously going to be an issue,” the aide said. “It’s not like being the senator from New York, obviously. But these aren’t issues that are off her radar.”

Palin, joined by Sen. Joe Lieberman, expressed her “heartfelt support for Israel” and spoke of the threats it faces from Iran and others, the campaign official said. >>>>>

‘Sarah Palin is a Christian, and Christians support Israel’

September 3, 2008

Hawaii’s Jewish governor, Linda Lingle, said in an interview with Ha’aretz that she would not be surprised to learn that Palin is a staunch supporter of the Jewish state since her Alaska counterpart is “a very religious person, and the religious Christians are the greatest supporters of Israel…”

Republican Jewish Coalition executive director Matt Brooks was left with the opposite impression, telling in an email on Tuesday that the fact Palin keeps an Israeli flag on the wall of her office “clearly shows what’s in her heart.” >>>>>

We need governors, vice-presidents and presidents who want to stand up for the U.S., not other countries. Making blanket statements like this is not American, nor is it very Christian-like. I don’t believe that the Christians support war crimes committed by Israelis. Nor would I expect them to approve those committed by non-Israelis.

What is Governor Lingle’s position on the Palestinian Christians? Or are they a different kind of Christian? The Palestinian, Arab, Persian, Afghani Christians are not ardent supporters of Israel’s impunity. I don’t think the Pope and his billion followers think that Jerusalem should be taken away from Christians and Muslims.

To make a blanket statement like that is not something I would expect from the President of any nation, including the U.S. Therefore, why would a governor say so. She could not walk into half the churches in the U.S. and say the same thing without being laughed at.

Fundamentally, Christians are actually more closer to the Muslims than they are to the Jews. As are the Jews more fundamentally closer to the Muslims than the Christians in their keeping with the law. While Musilms believe in the immaculate conception of Mary, and take Jesus as a prophet with the miracles bestowed upon him as the Bible describes (in it’s original form); Jews think that believing in Jesus is hogwash, even as a prophet. So how does the governor make a comment for Christians when that same comment contradicts what Jesus himself taught?

All US military service members are supposed to “…defend the Constitution against any enemy, foreign or domestic…” If Americans themselves don’t get a free ride on breaking the law, why does Israel get this free ride? This was a very tasteless approach.

This does nothing to help Palin’s bid in becoming a representative of a secular democracy. But those in the mix are counting on her bowing on her knees to AIPAC, and that is a political primary-(pun intended). If AIPAC were CAIR, it would have been shut down and those in power would have been imprisoned after just a skosh of evidence, and furthermore indictments about espionage surfaced. Americans, including politicians, have to stop pushing for the nationalism of other nations and protect the constitution of its own.

Eldad angers Tibi with plans to screen controversial film on Islam

September 3, 2008

Originally released online in March; Fitna claims that Islam and the Koran promote modern terror. The film shows footage of speeches by extreme Muslim leaders glorifying jihad and their hatred of Jews, democracy and freedom. It splices clips of graphic violent actions by radical Muslims with verses from the Koran and asserts that such verses lead to such actions. The film goes so far as to question the democratic future of Netherlands and the Western world if radical Islam is not stopped. >>>>>

Why Don’t Zionists Adopt Gandhi’s Methods?

September 2, 2008

But even if we suspend our disbelief about Zionism’s willingness to respond to Palestinian non-violence, and assume the very best about Israel’s intentions, it still strikes me as a little odd that any Zionist would use the moral authority of Mahatma Gandhi as a line of attack against the Palestinians, seeing as Gandhi himself was very opposed to Zionism:

Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. …Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home. The nobler course would be to insist on a just treatment of the Jews wherever they are born and bred. … I am not defending the Arab excesses. I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regarded as an unwarrantable encroachment upon their country. But according to the accepted canons of right and wrong, nothing can be said against the Arab resistance in the face of overwhelming odds.

The Jews In Palestine, by Mahatma Gandhi; The Harijan, 26 Nov 1938. >>>>>

MK Eldad to screen anti-Islam movie ‘Fitna’ in press conference Wednesday

September 2, 2008

MK Arye Eldad (NU/NRP) is set to show a controversial Dutch film about Islam, which describes the Koran as a source of intolerance, murder and terror, during a press conference on Wednesday.

If something is being hard-sold in the media, chances are it is more fictional and propaganda than not.  Most of the Islamic extremism reported in the media happens to be later be proven false.   It also happens to be the pro-nationalistic stance that ignores truth and justice to sell war and keep the populous at bay.  It also ignores the very projected extremism by virtually all other ideologies not in line with them; even if the ideologies share and are congruent with their own.

People are dying!  Sovereign states are falling, or at least are diminishing in their own economies and service to their people because they are put in a position to defend themselves.  The typical talking head, news production crew and otherwise are clearly complicit.  The UN has become as effective in stopping this just as the courts systems are more cruel to the impoverished than those with money.

They are produced by people who are Islamophobic and the content can be figured out by reading the credits alone.  One could wake up in the morning, turn on their talk show host and pretty much figure out his or her position on a matter before commentary starts.  This should raise many eyebrows.

If the truth needs to be sold by these high-profile sales people we call the media, then it is likely not the truth.  While Muslims are on the defense for things they have not done, notice how Muslims tend not to produce in the media the horrors of how other faiths attack them and publicize such — even when it’s true.  Western culture has exploited this detail of the character of the Muslim community.

When things are  said and done, “Allah is the best of planners.”

Imagine: Lennon’s Response to McCartney’s ‘Friendship First’ Concert in Israel

September 1, 2008

You say you want a revolution? Well, you know we all want to change the world, but when you talk about destruction, don’t you know that you can count me out; when you [take] money [from] people with minds that hate, all I can tell you brother is:

No Way! Haven’t you seen The Wall of Hate?…

“The West Bank, once 22% of historic Palestine, has shrunk to perhaps 10% to 12% of living space for its inhabitants, and is split into several fragments, including the fertile Jordan Valley, which is a security preserve for Jewish settlers and the Israeli Defence Force. Like the Gaza Strip, the West Bank is effectively a hermetically sealed prison…roads are barred to Palestinians and reserved for Jewish settlers. I try in vain to recall anything quite as obscene in apartheid South Africa.”  >>>>>

Obama camp denies report Biden said Israel will have to reconcile to nuclear Iran

September 1, 2008

U.S. vice presidential candidate Senator Joe Biden’s press secretary vehemently denied on Monday a report that the Democratic candidate had said that Israel would have to reconcile itself to a nuclear Iran.

According to an unsourced report by Army Radio, the senator made the remarks to senior Israeli officials behind closed doors, adding that he opposed “opening an additional military and diplomatic front.”  >>>>>

  What’s going on with these rumors?  Over the weekend, Shakira is said to be producing a positive song about Islam and Arabs, now Biden’s comments lead us to believe of a potential global acceptance of Iran’s nuclear pursuits.  Are they rumors or is it that in both cases, forces behind the scenes pushed for a last-minute back-peddling?  It’s probably time to get it straight from Biden and Obama themselves and not from an unnamed source in their camp.

Israeli PR fails the “decent, honest and truthful” test

August 30, 2008

It’s a mistake to think you can turn around a poor brand by throwing more PR at it. You have to improve the product. In Israel’s case they’ll have to cut out the crime and racism, hand back what they have stolen, scrupulously observe international law and UN Charter obligations, and show contrition for past sins. Only then will it be possible to begin turning Israel into an acceptable and marketable entity with a fine reputation for justice and good neighbourliness, which surely is what most people wish to see. >>>>>

Non-Muslim, Non-Partisan Call to Americans for a New Foreign Policy

August 29, 2008

They seem to see what others refuse to. Above shows how they pinpoint what they’re willing to do while others fear to address the multitude of crises.

Paul Findley, is a former Congressman and founder of the Council for the National Interest. For those who don’t know, he is the guy that the very same lobby was able to sabotage his re-election bid due to his just observations and call for change toward more equity and justice in U.S. foreign policy, especially in the Middle East.

‘Israel Reaches Strategic Decision on Iran’

August 29, 2008

According to Ma’ariv, whether the United States and Western countries will succeed in toppling the Iranian regime diplomatically, through sanctions, or whether an American strike on Iran will eventually be decided upon, the Israeli government has put preparations for a separate, independent military strike by Israel in high gear. >>>>>

Islamic Jihad suspects deny allegations

August 29, 2008

…”I believe we will eventually discover there is nothing in the allegations against them, but such actions as the ones ascribed to them are acceptable by me,” the father said. “There are people who think that by using occupation and force they will succeed and they walk with their head against the wall, and now they discover that there are those who can resist them.”   >>>>>

Israel triples settlement activity

August 29, 2008

Israel has almost tripled its settlement construction activities in the occupied West Bank since 2007, according to a report.   The report by Peace Now rights group said that at least 2,600 new Israeli settlements are currently being built in the West Bank which shows an increase of 80 percent since last year.  

Iran: 4th meeting of Leadership Experts Assembly concludes

August 28, 2008

…Occupation and exertion of hegemony over Islamic lands, as well as all types of terrorist moves, fratricide and sowing seeds of discord by the United States, Israel, and their mercenaries in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. is condemned in the communique, and respecting the nation’s right to rule in their own countries is demanded. >>>>>

Israeli police arrests two Arab residents accused of “security violations”

August 28, 2008

The two were identified as Anis Safoury and Husam Khalil. Te police claims that the two joined a cell which belongs to the Islamic Jihad in Ramallah, and that this cell was in an advanced stage of planning attacks against Israeli targets, including opening fire at a military roadblock. >>>>>

West Bank mayor jailed for aiding Hamas

August 27, 2008

An Israeli military court last week found the former mayor of the West Bank city of Jenin guilty of aiding Hamas militants and sentenced him to six years’ imprisonment, the army said on Tuesday.  >>>>>

Group alleges West Bank construction boom

August 26, 2008

The United States has urged Israel to restrain its settlement construction; however, Peace Now says Israeli government statistics show construction activity up nearly 2 percent compared to the first half of last year, with about 2,600 housing units included in the mix.  >>>>>

The title is misleading….is suggests something good is happening.  What’s happening is a violation of international law.

Now, the one ally who would bend over backwards for you and be unconditional on just about anything tells you, “The world notices the atrocities we have so willingly ignored.  While we understand the math — that eventually there will be no Palestine should we proceed in the status quo; I have to at least give lip service.  So, TAKE THAT, carry on, and keep up the good work.”

Israeli activist arrested after Gaza boat protest

August 26, 2008

The arrest came two days after Halper and some 40 other activists with the U.S.-based group reached the Gazan coast in a mission they said aimed to break the siege the Jewish state has imposed upon the Hamas-ruled area.  Before giving the so-called “one-time” green light for the two boats, Israeli government had warned that such a provocative move “constitutes the legitimization of a terrorist organization” and that all options would be considered.  >>>>>

I think that he assumed the terrorist organization the authorities warned about was Israel.

Rice Presses Israelis to Ease Limits on Palestinian Movement

August 25, 2008

…While the Israeli government has removed some significant checkpoints, “obviously there’s more that needs to be done,” Rice told reporters on her plane to Tel Aviv today. “Both sides continue to have work to do” to meet pledges they made under the 2002 “road map” for Middle East peace, she said.  >>>>>

Israel Frees Prisoners in Gesture to Abbas

August 25, 2008

Ramallah, West Bank – Israel on Monday freed nearly 200 jailed Palestinians – including a militant mastermind from the 1970s – in a goodwill gesture just hours before U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was to begin her latest peace mission to the region. >>>>>

Mabruk!  Congratulations!  Felicidades!