Bipartisan Islamophobia Frustrates Muslim Voters

October 23, 2008

Muslim-Americans are twice as likely as most Americans to be independents according to several polls. Most will vote for Barack Obama, but even supporters of the Democratic candidate express frustration at the rampant Islamophobia popping up throughout all sides of the presidential election.  >>>>>

‘Muslim’ shouldn’t be a slur

October 15, 2008

In a “don’t worry, be happy” tone, I breezily noted that although the stoking of racial fear and xenophobia was a cherished tradition of American politics, I really didn’t think that this time around the candidates would permit the wholesale slander of Islam or Muslims.

Apparently, I was wrong. The undertones have become screaming overtones. And it is past time to object.  >>>>>

This is by design, in order to help keep the excuse(s) to continue the war on terror alive.  It helps that even the opposing party’s candidate also reject any future potential of exonerating Muslims in the public eye while at the same time, forcing the hand of democrats to continue to maintain their position on the Islamophobic bandwagon.

Islam, Arab-Muslim world in American electoral speech

October 10, 2008

The marginalisation of Islam and Muslims has been spreading industry in the United States since the September 11, 2001 attacks. It lives on the relative ignorance of the American people in international issues and their sometimes strange relationship to the otherness, this ambivalent and complex relation with the other.

Among Republicans, this policy of fear is one of the major components of the winning electoral strategy since the departure of Bill Clinton. Charlie Black, one of McCain’s gurus, said in the June issue of Forbes magazine that “what we would need, is a good attack”.

In substance, it would be enough to have real or made-up terrorist attacks against American interests for the popularity of the republican candidate to pick up again.  >>>>>

Bush, McCain abuse their legacy

October 9, 2008

I am not a conventionally religious man, or even a very superstitious one, but I do wish George W. Bush would stop asking God to bless America.  Every time he does, we seem to be visited with another plague, suggesting divine wrath over our president’s evil ways. How else to explain the persistent calamity that has marked this administration: a pointless but very costly war over nonexistent Iraqi WMD, the destruction by flood of New Orleans, the betrayal of the nation by the moneychangers – from Enron to Goldman Sachs – who Bush welcomed into the temple of the White House?  >>>>>

Obama and McCain on the Middle East

October 6, 2008

Their advisers have also represented widely differing positions. Randy Sheunemann, McCain’s campaign foreign policy coordinator, seems to be mainly concerned with the threat from Iran and the security of Israel. In 2002, he was the founder of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, a pressure group which pressed for the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. >>>>>

Group asks The Oregonian not to distribute DVD

September 28, 2008

PORTLAND, Ore. – Mayor Tom Potter and a coalition of community members have asked The Oregonian newspaper not to distribute a controversial DVD about radical Muslims in Sunday’s editions.  >>>>>

Many in the Republican party now have a turn to stand up and say something about this scandalous film.  There was a time when Muslims were taunted and pressured about apologizing for September 11, 2001; when up to date, there is still no clear distinction as to who did the attacks.

This push for Muslims to apologize was prematurely done- yet by design – in order to help cover up any speculation of other potential entities – foreign and domestic.

Even without apologizing, this should be considered hate speech.  If it were done about Jews or Christians, the association to the KKK and Nazis would be all over the press.  Let’s continue to push for an investigation.  On top of that, let’s continue to push for the ridding of this kind of free, yet hateful speech – just as it is done when others are attacked.

Obama condemns Ahmadinejad’s anti-Zionist UN remarks

September 24, 2008

CLEARWATER, Florida (AFP) — Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Tuesday condemned Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s anti-Zionist and anti-US remarks in his speech at the UN General Assembly.

“I strongly condemn President Ahmadinejad’s outrageous remarks at the United Nations, and am disappointed that he had a platform to air his hateful and anti-Semitic views,” Obama said in a statement. >>>>>

So, then does this mean that the change that Senator Obama has been seeking was from a just U.S. administration? Whatever points of change that Obama meant in his own campaign refers to precisely what Ahmadinejad was referring to. These are referred to as war crimes and violations of UN Resolutions, illegal occupations, murders, maiming, ethnic cleansing, kidnappings, false imprisonments, razing of lands, plunder and the list goes on. Aren’t people in Obama’s Democratic Party pushing for issues like impeachment; the withdrawal of troops from Iraq; war crimes indictments; restoring the previously removal of civil rights via the Patriot Act; and again the list goes on?

Is Sen. Obama pandering a bit too much? Where is the change he speaks about? If this is going to be the continuation of his efforts; then there will be little difference between the Republican and Democrat parties aside from a few collateral issues. As far as justice is concerned, Muslims are already at the bottom of that slope; they are just trying to avoid all others from avalanching on top of them.

Muslim group seeks probe of ‘radical Islam’ DVD

September 24, 2008

A U.S. Muslim advocacy group Tuesday asked the Federal Election Commission to investigate whether a nonprofit group that distributed a controversial DVD about Islam in newspapers nationwide is a “front” for an Israel-based group with a stealth goal of helping Republican presidential candidate John McCain.  >>>>>

Ahmadinejad: Wars behind US meltdown

September 23, 2008

President Ahmadinejad’s remarks came following the massive Wall Street meltdown, which has been described by analysts as even a worst setback since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

The Iranian president expressed hope that the next US president, whether Republican or Democrat, would not pursue President George W. Bush’s ‘logic of force’. >>>>>

Anti-Iran Rally Has Exponentially Double-Binded Messages

September 23, 2008

Politics and diplomacy were not a good mix at Monday’s protest rally against Iran at the United Nations. >>>>>

Two matters to be taken under consideration:

1. Major special interest groups are behind the coordination of public-relations events in order to continue the public and political brain-washing that keeps ‘our’ politics and the ‘Islamic enemy’ at odds. Either way, the association has long-term effects on the minds of Westerners.

2. This is a continuation of the hijacking of the Republican Party in order to help secure another set of years to have license to plunder other lands of the world, with a need to justify itself in doing so by brainwashing, or at least, getting the public on the bandwagon – in order to show how they too fell for it – or are co-conspirators: for the imperial powers were only following what the constituents wanted.

Spies Warn That Al Qaeda Aims for October Surprise

September 23, 2008

WASHINGTON — In the aftermath of two major terrorist attacks on Western targets, America‘s counterterrorism community is warning that Al Qaeda may launch more overseas operations to influence the presidential elections in November.  >>>>>

Why is it that in some basic matters, the intelligence community is very tight-lipped.  In matters such as these seems to be something that a prudent person or agency would not want the public to know – or would they?

Islam and Environmental Protection to be discussed in Israel

August 11, 2008

A seminar on Islam and Environmental Protection will take place in the central hall of the Eshkol Payis Center for Science and Arts in the city of Umm el Fahm on August 14, 2008. The seminar is a cooperative venture of the Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Umm el Fahm Municipality, the Islamic Administration and Testimony Division and the Northern Triangle Environmental Unit. It is largely targeted at imams in the mosques of the Haifa district.  >>>>>

Imams going to a seminar on environmental protection in Israel.  – Awesome progress.  Now if we can get the Democrats to do the same for Republicans in the U.S.

John Conyers and the Constitutional Clock

July 26, 2008

…From the outset, Conyers and the Democrats in control of the House of Representatives, where Barr served as a Republican from 1995 until 2003, have done all they can to make sure the judiciary committee hearing, ironically entitled “Executive Power and Its Constitutional Limitations,” result anything but an impeachment hearing. It is completely understandable why — because the reputations of Conyers, Pelsoi, and the Democrats are not only on the line, they also stand to be criminally indicted along with Bush and his perfidious neocons. Democrats are up to their eyeballs in criminality.  >>>>>

Even in the Western Media, a true conspiracy is unfolding — too slowly if you ask me, spoken above the heads of the masses, because both Republican and Democratic Leaders face charges of maybe [war crimes, crimes against humanity, hijacking the constitution?].  I am starting to believe that Western leaders are against wearing hijab because the eyes are uncovered.

If there were only a way to get the majority of the Americans to understand the news at this level; for most people – it’s the Islamic terrorists who are destroying our country.

ADC Disappointed with Offensive Picture Posted by South Carolina State Senator

July 25, 2008

Washington, DC | July 23, 2008 | | Today the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) sent a letter to Republican South Carolina state senator Kevin L. Bryant. ADC, the nation’s largest civil rights organization working on behalf of the Arab-American community, relayed its extreme disappointment after Bryant posted a picture on his blog of a t-shirt juxtaposing an image of Osama Bin Laden with an image of Democratic Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) dressed in traditional Kenyan clothing. The t-shirt reads, “The difference between Obama and Osama is just a little B.S.” and highlights those same letters in both names. <<<<<<<

It would sure be refreshing to bring people into office who treat their position with honor and dignity.  Intolerance of not only a religion, Islam, is an excuse to attack Obama’s race without being viewed as a racist.  If he were a radio-show host, there may have been many who called for his job.  Since he is a politician – “Oh well, just another creative crack from the fella.”