Link between child porn and Muslim terrorists discovered in police raids

October 17, 2008

British security sources confirmed that such a link had been discovered in several cases. They noted the contradiction between people supposedly devoted to theocracy and Islamic fundamentalism and their use of child pornography. “It shows that these people are very confused,” a source said. “Here they are hating Western decadence but actually making use of it and finding that they enjoy this stuff.”  >>>>>

It looks like the UK is getting desperate with their accusations and smears against Muslims. It’s interesting that much of the porn is produced in Israel and consumed by Western men. Maybe it’s true, that terrorists are using such tactics–but not necessarily Muslim terrorists. Also interesting in the article is that it doesn’t mention Muslims associated with ‘terrorism’ ever being convicted of child pornography. Come to think of it, the overwhelming amount of Muslims arrested for terrorism are not convicted of terrorism either. This bit of trash produced by the media is designed to continue smearing Muslims. This tactic worked when used against Catholic priests; many parishioners shied away from the church.  This is effort is partly designed to get people from leaving leaving the mosques to join secularism–the bastien most easily susceptible to governmental abuse disguised as a ‘free society’ — and the push for child-porn is actually welcomed and consumed by the general public.  By now, more people than ever, Muslim and non-Muslim, Westerner and non-Westerner, are becoming more aware of the trash that governments use in order to secure an advantage to remove elements of a system they call democratic and just, when it’s anything but a just democracy.

‘Muslim’ shouldn’t be a slur

October 15, 2008

In a “don’t worry, be happy” tone, I breezily noted that although the stoking of racial fear and xenophobia was a cherished tradition of American politics, I really didn’t think that this time around the candidates would permit the wholesale slander of Islam or Muslims.

Apparently, I was wrong. The undertones have become screaming overtones. And it is past time to object.  >>>>>

This is by design, in order to help keep the excuse(s) to continue the war on terror alive.  It helps that even the opposing party’s candidate also reject any future potential of exonerating Muslims in the public eye while at the same time, forcing the hand of democrats to continue to maintain their position on the Islamophobic bandwagon.

Obsession`s Secret Producer Revealed, Rep. Jewish Coalition Ties to Clarion Uncovered

October 12, 2008

Thanks to investigative reporting of Will Evans and reader Robin McLaren, we’ve uncovered the identity of one of the formerly secret producers of Obsession (you’ll recall that the Clarion Fund listed two producers’ names for the film and both were fake). His name is Erik Werth, and he’s a former Clinton Administration advisor for “homeland security issues” (though there was no such concept in the Clinton Administration) and news producer for NBC’s Dateline.  >>>>>

So, do the people who complain about the disproportionate power within the mainstream media at least get an “I told you so?”

“By the way, if Clarion and all these other alleged 501c3 Jewish groups are NOT supporting or opposing political candidates (remember that IRS exemption application question), then what are they doing at the RJC dinner? In particular, why is the producer of the film at a Republican-affiliated dinner and being identified with the film in this blog? Shouldn’t that make an IRS official begin to wonder whether this group is really non-partisan? And I wonder whether Clarion paid for their tickets? Wouldn’t that constitute yet another partisan activity?
And the next time you read any of these groups like Clarion, Stand With Us, JINSA or the Shalem Center claim that they are non-partisan, remind them of this passage and then laugh at the joke.”  (Ending of linked article).

Woman Describes Experience Under Wahhabi Islam in Book

October 7, 2008

“You realize at once how insignificant a human being really is in the scale of creation, and at once you realize the vastness of your creator,” Dr. Ahmed said. “But for me especially I realize the diversity in Islam. And it’s so extraordinary that that diversity is manifested year after year in the cradle of Islam, in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which does not espouse diversity broadly in its own society.”

Dr. Qanta speaks of the orthodox version of Islam that is the kingdom’s state religion. She links Wahhabism, as it is called, to militant jihadists such as Osama bin Ladin, which some scholars dispute. “This is not Islam,” Dr. Qanta said. “This is a bastardization of Islam, a horrendous word to use. I’m not going to make any friends doing that, but that’s what it is.” >>>>>

Without saying what my personal opinion is on Wahhabism, the interviewer gives quotes of two people, who are anti-Wahhabi.  They are both presumably of Indo-Pakistani descent, living in Western countries that are involved in the attacks of ‘non-Wahhabi’ nations, and are intent on continuing with the War on Terror in Iran, and even Pakistan (our ally) – and the other hijab and non-hijab wearing nations.

With the lack of quotes from anyone who is pro-Wahhabi and possibly lives in Saudi Arabia, it is difficult to see this book as something more than a propaganda piece pandering to the West.

While most Muslims around the world may agree that the niqab (a more conservative covering for women than hijab) is something that is not required Islamically, those very same Muslims would agree that not wearing hijab (something the author displays in her interview) is clearly a sin in Islam.

This book acts as the debate toward ‘moderate Islam,’ something that leaves room for grave innovations, bida. Her interview even seeks to go as far as seeking to modernize Islam.

While recognizing that it is her personal choice, her public display of moderation and modesty is actually contrary to even moderate Muslims, for she doesn’t wear hijab.  This would not be of public importance, except that she is pushing for a moderation while she seems to be at the other extreme, not center of the issue.

Aside from her physical, non-modest appearance, it is her notion of jihad that disturbed me.  If it was a given (and it’s not), that Osama bin Laden and all the other Muslim terrorists (patsies) of the world were indeed guilty of the all the crimes alleged since 9/11, she ignores the Western ‘Crusade’ that has killed and maimed people tens-of-thousand-times over more Muslims than those acts have — and most of those victims were non-combative civilian men, women and children.

Jihad in the minds of Muslims includes anyone defending their homeland, and even own homes from tyranny, occupation and murder.  The pre-emptive attacks by the West are somehow justified in their own jihad, which is a term not recognized by themselves simply because it is a word that comes from a different language.  But whatever the West understands the term jihad to be — their actions and intentions have superceded even the widely-misunderstood, yet accepted corrupted definition of the term jihad.

The interview alone, without having read the book, is one that speaks volumes of the author’s perspective.

Don’t be soft on Islam, says EU terror chief

September 28, 2008

De Kerchove’s statement comes against a background of infighting within the EU over counter-terrorism policy. The European Commission has been working for several years on a paper analysing militancy in Europe and outlining policy to combat radicalisation. The Council of Ministers is still waiting for the now long-overdue paper, on which future policy will be based.

EU officials claimed last week the delay was because Jacques Barrot, the French Commissioner for justice, freedom and security, had grave reservations about the definition of terrorism in the commission’s policy paper and had delayed signing the policy document as it ‘went too far in blaming Muslim communities’.  >>>>>

He should not be in office.  This attack on Islam for job security, or worse yet, mere hatred shows that he has not done his homework on Islam or terrorism for that matter.  While no doubt Muslims have gone astray, so have Christians, Jews and those who believe or disbelieve otherwise.

However, it still remains that the West went into an illegal war against Iraq; and continues to be in denial with Afghanistan; while at the same time preparing war(s) against other Muslim nation(s), with the support of many European countries. If he took an approach to deal with actual and valid cases of terrorism, this would be more credible.

He hasn’t.  He stands for something more sinister and buys into the conspiracy theories that the official governments have to offer.  The facts brought about by independent parties have become part of the propaganda that contributes to what the government(s) want us to believe are conspiracy theories.

These very same European countries that have a hatred for the immigration that stands to eventually significantly challenge their so-called ‘democracies’ because of the newly formed voting citizens and their potential for population growth in comparison to the ascendants of people who actually chose the non-democratic, barbaric approach when colonizing and exploiting the countries these immigrants came from.

Someone of his political position should be more objective with his assessments and even moreso with his rhetoric.  It doesn’t take much to figure out his other political leanings and alliances with just this one statement.

Delhi blast: Mushawarat condemns, demands capture of real culprits

September 28, 2008

New Delhi: The All India Muslim Majlis-e Mushawar (AIMMM) condemned the bomb blast this afternoon in Mehrauli area of Delhi in which reportedly four precious lives were lost and dozens were injured.

Offering condolences to the nation and the families of the innocent victims, Dr Zafarul-Islam Khan, head of the AIMMM, the umbrella body of Indian Muslim organisations, demanded that the security agencies should meticulously probe this blast and refrain from immatature comments and leaks as seen earlier. >>>>>

OIC slams anti-Islam congress in Germany

August 11, 2008

JEDDAH: The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has expressed serious concerns about reports that an far right group is holding an anti-Islam conference in the German city of Cologne in September.  >>>>> 

Catholic Cardinal criticizes Euro MP over anti-Islam stand: reports

August 11, 2008

(ROME) – Italy’s top prelate Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco has denounced a Euro MP in the anti-immigration Northern League for his anti-Islamic views, press reports said Saturday.  The Bishop of Genoa and president of the Italian episcopal conference voiced his “total disapproval” of Euro MP Mario Borghezio’s vow to “defend Christianity against profanation by Islam” made in a church in the northern port on Friday. >>>>>

The cardinal exemplifies what it means to be part of the ‘People of the Book.’  Thanks to my Christian brethren.