10 Killed in Turkey – Kurd Clashes

October 16, 2008

The PKK has been fighting for Kurdish autonomy in southeastern Turkey since 1984. The violence has killed at least 37,000 people.  The PKK is considered a terrorist group by Turkey, the United States and the European Union. >>>>>

Moscow calls for anti-US alliance

October 10, 2008

In a speech delivered to European leaders at a conference hosted by the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, to discuss the international financial crisis, Mr Medvedev sought to show that the US was at the root of all the world’s problems. He blamed Washington’s “economic egotism” for the world’s financial woes and then accused the Bush Administration of taking Europe to the brink of a new cold war by pursuing a deliberately divisive foreign policy.

He also maintained that the US was once again trying to return to a policy of containing Russia. “After toppling the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, the United States started a series of unilateral actions,” Mr Medvedev said. “As a result, a trend appeared in international relations towards creating dividing lines. This was in fact the revival of a policy popular in the past and known as containment.”  >>>>>

New ‘radical Islam in Bulgaria’ claims

October 5, 2008

While several intelligence and media reports have highlighted the rise of radical Islam in the former Yugoslavia and especially in Bosnia, earlier in 2008 US journalist Christopher Deliso said in his book The Coming Balkan Caliphate: Threat of Radical Islam to Europe and the West that Bulgaria was among Balkan countries where radical Islam activists were present.

Most intelligence reports have suggested that any such activity in Bulgaria is on a small scale.

The Bosnians (Muslims) have suffered a holocaust in the 1990’s.  Recovering from that is no picnic.  The people of Bosnia were victimized, according to many circles, because they strayed away from their religion and adopted the secular lifestyle – which seemed to have swallowed them up whole.  The Muslims are very skeptical about global, especially Western, powers promising never to let a holocaust happen again; yet it happens in their own backyard – right under their own noses; and even with much of their own support.

Many of the Bosnians have chosen to become closer to their religion as a protection against ethnic cleansing.  Yet, it is actually the racist perception of others that labels these religious changes as extreme or radical.  Heck, in the U.S., Obama is referred to as the ‘most radically left’ senator in the Senate, and Cheney and Bush (and company), are considered the most ‘extreme right.’  Both connotations have further polarized the nation into two poles that the overwhelming population does not adopt to – yet will associate and accept for having the ‘lesser of two evils.’

The push of the propaganda according anti-Islamist activists, supported even by government institutions, is something that preps a nation of people to learn to hate Islam, as a new wave of false-flag terrorist attacks are introduced to their nation.  This allows for the next phase of the propaganda to take effect.

It helps to seal at least a doubt about Muslims’ intentions by having the association of the attack (usually without evidence) to a hapless, defenseless person(s), who will spend the rest of his days NOT being able to defend himself because the laws have allowed for unjust tribunals, post criminal interrogations, also known as torture – sanctioned by the very same government that needs to obtain further control of the very same population — prior to claiming their citizens’ wealth as their final booty in helping to keep the world a better place.

ALERT!!! Dr. Fredrick Toben Has Been Arrested

October 1, 2008

British police executed a European Union arrest warrant issued by German authorities at Heathrow late last night Melbourne time.

The arrest warrant accuses 64-year-old Toben of publishing material on the internet “of an anti-Semitic and/or revisionist nature” [i.e. material that Zionist Jews don’t want YOU to see] in Australia, Germany and other countries.  >>>>>

Yet if he would have made a parallel story, or worse, exaggerated and lied about something Muslims did or did not do, there would be a full-scale ‘terrorism’ investigation as well as a page in history whereby the original smear of the Muslims remained – regardless of whether found out to be false.

Turkey’s widening diplomatic horizons

September 29, 2008

Long before Turkey sought to join the European Union, the European powers were eager to penetrate deep into Turkey’s hinterland. >>>>>

Don’t be soft on Islam, says EU terror chief

September 28, 2008

De Kerchove’s statement comes against a background of infighting within the EU over counter-terrorism policy. The European Commission has been working for several years on a paper analysing militancy in Europe and outlining policy to combat radicalisation. The Council of Ministers is still waiting for the now long-overdue paper, on which future policy will be based.

EU officials claimed last week the delay was because Jacques Barrot, the French Commissioner for justice, freedom and security, had grave reservations about the definition of terrorism in the commission’s policy paper and had delayed signing the policy document as it ‘went too far in blaming Muslim communities’.  >>>>>

He should not be in office.  This attack on Islam for job security, or worse yet, mere hatred shows that he has not done his homework on Islam or terrorism for that matter.  While no doubt Muslims have gone astray, so have Christians, Jews and those who believe or disbelieve otherwise.

However, it still remains that the West went into an illegal war against Iraq; and continues to be in denial with Afghanistan; while at the same time preparing war(s) against other Muslim nation(s), with the support of many European countries. If he took an approach to deal with actual and valid cases of terrorism, this would be more credible.

He hasn’t.  He stands for something more sinister and buys into the conspiracy theories that the official governments have to offer.  The facts brought about by independent parties have become part of the propaganda that contributes to what the government(s) want us to believe are conspiracy theories.

These very same European countries that have a hatred for the immigration that stands to eventually significantly challenge their so-called ‘democracies’ because of the newly formed voting citizens and their potential for population growth in comparison to the ascendants of people who actually chose the non-democratic, barbaric approach when colonizing and exploiting the countries these immigrants came from.

Someone of his political position should be more objective with his assessments and even moreso with his rhetoric.  It doesn’t take much to figure out his other political leanings and alliances with just this one statement.

French FM visits as Lebanon, Syria set up ties

August 25, 2008

DAMASCUS (AFP) — France’s Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner on Monday offered help to Syria and Lebanon on thorny issues linked to their resolve to normalise ties for the first time since the French mandate ended 60 years ago.

Kouchner, whose government currently holds the European Union’s rotating presidency, arrived in Damascus after talks in Beirut earlier in the day with Lebanese President Michel Sleiman and other officials. >>>>>

Jordan protests Israel’s excavations in Jerusalem

August 21, 2008

Israeli sources reported on Thursday that the Jordanian Foreign Minister, Salah Bashir, met with the Israeli ambassador in Jordan to protest against the Israeli excavations near the Al Aqsa mosque, in the occupied East Jerusalem. Jordan said that the digging will lead to a new wave of violence in the Middle East, and that Jerusalem is a Red Line for all Arabs and Muslims.  >>>>>

EU condemns attack in Algeria

August 19, 2008

BRUSSELS, Aug. 19 (Xinhua) — The European Union’s French presidency condemned on Tuesday bomb attacks in Algeria as “wanton and barbarous terrorist attacks.”  “The Algerian people are once again the victims of wanton and barbarous terrorist attacks,” the presidency said in a statement.  >>>>>