5-Pillar Scribe is on a temporary hiatus

November 4, 2008

He will be back shortly.  No, he is not being waterboarded at this time….thanks for your concerns!


October 27, 2008

The U.S. media is indulging in war mongering “yellow journalism” by repeating baseless allegations that Syria is behind the “car bombing” of a popular Lebanese nationalist, while the evidence suggests that the assassination was carried out using a guided missile launched from a plane – a precision penetration bomb – a “targeted killing” technique perfected by Israel.

BBC show Spooks prepares to screen REAL waterboarding torture scenes

October 27, 2008

The BBC are preparing to screen scenes of an actor being subjected to a controversial form of torture – waterboarding. The scenes, starring actor Richard Armitage, will be shown during the new series of popular show Spooks, which starts tonight.  >>>>>

Just adding to the further desensitization of the public toward waterboarding and torturing of people not considered American, or are deemed a threat to the U.S.

Report Finds Iraq Water Treatment Project to Be Late, Faulty and Over Budget

October 27, 2008

A huge American-financed wastewater treatment plant in the desert city of Falluja, which United States troops assaulted twice to root out insurgents in 2004, was supposed to be the centerpiece of an effort to rebuild Iraq, a country smashed by war and neglect, and bring Western standards of sanitation.  >>>>>


October 23, 2008

Although American intelligence and government sources are maintaining a strictly observed silence, the same does not apply to the Russians and so it is that we learn the real story of the MV Iran Deyanat. She was an enormous floating dirty bomb, intended to detonate after exiting the Suez Canal at the eastern end of the Mediterranean and in proximity to the coastal cities of Israel. The entire cargo of radioactive sand, obtained by Iran from China (the latter buys desperately needed oil from the former) and sealed in containers which, when the charges on the ship are set off after the crew took to the boats, will be blasted high into the air where prevailing winds will push the highly dangerous and radioactive cloud ashore.  >>>>>

Disillusioned Afghans Seen Turning on Karzai

October 23, 2008

President Karzai has been under pressure from the US and other allies to do something about the growing problem of corruption in his government, forcing him to shuffle his cabinet earlier this month. The mounting allegations have even extended to his family, with his brother reportedly linked to the nation’s burgeoning heroin trade>>>>>

Elderly Israeli killed in Jerusalem terror stabbing

October 23, 2008

As he tried to escape the scene, the terrorist stopped long enough to plunge his knife into the chest of an elderly pedestrian. Emergency resuscitation efforts by ambulance crews failed.

Despite his own wounds, the police officer managed to shoot the attacker several times. Another passerby then overpowered the injured terrorist.   >>>>>

While there is no doubt that stabbing a man in the chest is an act of terror; this short article uses the word terror/terrorist four times to identify a criminal act.  The problem is that the word ‘terror’ or ‘terrorist’ is not typically used by any newspaper around the world for individual crimes against another.  The same newspaper does not report Israeli-on-Arab or Jew-on-Muslim attacks as acts of terror.  This kind of bias only helps to create a further divide of the people and is a dangerous precedent in reporting.

Without realizing it, it has become common place to label anything an Arab or Muslim does, alleged or actual, as an act of terror.  This type of journalism allows for even non-Muslims who are against the Israeli apartheid and global agenda to continue to hold disdain for those Israel considers its ardent enemies – Arabs and Muslims.  Tsk, tsk.

Court order over EU terror list

October 23, 2008

The European Court of First Instance in Luxembourg upheld a legal claim by the exiled People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI) that there is no justification for including the group and freezing its funds.

The ruling is the latest in a series of verdicts supporting the PMOI’s demands to be removed from the list – but the battle is not over. >>>>>

What’s wrong with having a Muslim for president?

October 23, 2008

What about other groups? If the idea of a Latino or a Muslim in the White House is beyond belief, what does that say of American society? Either the White House is strictly reserved for those who profess to be orthodox Christians (that excludes Mormons like Mitt Romney) and the whole notion of plurality is a lie, or something has gone wrong.

If the US is the most progressive nation in these matters, what are the implications for western democracies? Is the idea of people being judged on merit, by the content of their character rather than on characteristics like race and religion just an illusion?  >>>>>

Australia’s Jihad Jack cleared

October 23, 2008

Mr Thomas was retried after the Australian Court of Appeal quashed the 2006 conviction on the grounds that his initial testimony was inadmissible because he had been coerced by the police under interrogation.  Mr Thomas was the first individual to be prosecuted under the country’s 2006 anti-terrorism laws. >>>>>

Bipartisan Islamophobia Frustrates Muslim Voters

October 23, 2008

Muslim-Americans are twice as likely as most Americans to be independents according to several polls. Most will vote for Barack Obama, but even supporters of the Democratic candidate express frustration at the rampant Islamophobia popping up throughout all sides of the presidential election.  >>>>>

Report: Hezbollah chief poisoned, Iranian doctors saved his life

October 22, 2008

The Iraqi Web site Almalaf on Wednesday quoted diplomatic sources in Beirut as saying Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was poisoned last week and that his life was saved by Iranian doctors who were rushed to Lebanon to treat him. >>>>>

Israeli Revealed as owner of South Sudan bound weapons ship

October 22, 2008

Registration documents gathered by BBC included the confirmation that the ship hijacked by Somalia pirates belonged to a Jewish investor residing in the self proclaimed state of Israel, and not a Ukrainian ship…

For many years, the Khartoum based Sudan government accused Israel of supplying arms and providing training to South Sudan rebels. Kenya is now proofed to be providing the logistical support for arms shipment to South Sudan, a role similar to Chad’s support given to Darfur rebels which has caused the two countries to be in a state of war against each other.  >>>>>

Big Brother database threatens to ‘break the back of freedom’

October 21, 2008

But Sir Ken, giving the Crown Prosecution Service lecture in London, said: “We need to take very great care not to fall into a way of life in which freedom’s back is broken by the relentless pressure of a security state.

“Technology gives the state enormous powers of access to knowledge and information about each of us, and the ability to collect and store it at will. Of course, modern technology is of critical importance to the struggle against serious crime. Used wisely, it can protect us.” >>>>>

Keyboard sniffers to steal data

October 21, 2008

By analysing the signals produced by keystrokes, Swiss researchers have reproduced what a target typed.  The security researchers have developed four attacks that work on a wide variety of computer keyboards. >>>>>

Bush Decides to Keep Guantánamo Open

October 21, 2008

WASHINGTON — Despite his stated desire to close the American prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, President Bush has decided not to do so, and never considered proposals drafted in the State Department and the Pentagon that outlined options for transferring the detainees elsewhere, according to senior administration officials.  >>>>>>

Jihadists or dupes? Fort Dix terror trial opens

October 21, 2008

Their clients, they said, were young men who had been manipulated by paid government informants into a conspiracy they had no intention of carrying out. “He talked the talk, but was never going to walk the walk,” Rocco Cipparone Jr. said of his client, lead defendant Mohamad Ibrahim Shnewer.

Cipparone and the other defense attorneys challenged both the credibility and motivation of the two key government witnesses, Mahmoud Omar and Besnik Bakalli. Both, he said, were “lifelong criminals” who had reasons to create a conspiracy where none existed.  >>>>>

BOMBSHELL! French Police investigate Sarkozy’s background as Mossad agent

October 21, 2008

At the end of March, 2007, in the ‘last right’ of the election, all departmental managers of the Public Security, around one hundred senior civil servants, were sent a strange electronic mail. The future president was bluntly accused of having been recruited in 1980s by Mossad, the Israeli secret service. >>>>>

There’s nothing wrong with being a Muslim — It’s wrong to think so

October 21, 2008

So Kudos to McCain for correcting a false statement. Barack Obama is indeed, not an Arab. That’s where my praise ends, and my issue begins. His ‘answer’ to this misguided woman made it sound like there’s a difference between being an Arab and being a decent family man… citizen. The two are not mutually exclusive. >>>>>

Jordan arrests poet accused of insulting Islam

October 21, 2008

Jordanian law bans the publication of any books or articles that could be seen as harmful to Islam and its Prophet Muhammad.

More than two years ago, the court convicted the editors of two weekly newspapers of insulting Islam and sentenced them to two months in prison after they reprinted Danish newspaper caricatures of Muhammad.  >>>>>