Bishop reminds Catholics to remember Judgment Day in the voting booth

October 20, 2008

Bishop Robert J. Herman, the administrator of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, has written a column reminding Catholics that their vote will be a decision weighed on the Day of Judgment. He urged Catholics not to treat the unborn as the neglectful rich man treated Lazarus in the biblical parable.  >>>>>

The problem with how this article is placed is that people of religious faith have a huge dilemma.  If you vote Democrat, then you’re supporting the killing of unborn.  If you vote Republican, you support the killing of the foreign born.  In God’s view, at least as people of faith are taught.  They are all God’s children, regardless of birth status or nationality.  The bottom line is that secularism and ‘democracy,’ at least that of what we practice, tend to pidgeon whole religious practitioners into voting for something they don’t believe in.  In the end, it helps us to become part of the co-conspirators of the sins/crimes we complained about to begin with.

This is probably why so many people in the U.S. do not vote; because they know that whatever the performance; the process is futile based on expecting any gains based on that particular person’s higher moral principles are.

Link between child porn and Muslim terrorists discovered in police raids

October 17, 2008

British security sources confirmed that such a link had been discovered in several cases. They noted the contradiction between people supposedly devoted to theocracy and Islamic fundamentalism and their use of child pornography. “It shows that these people are very confused,” a source said. “Here they are hating Western decadence but actually making use of it and finding that they enjoy this stuff.”  >>>>>

It looks like the UK is getting desperate with their accusations and smears against Muslims. It’s interesting that much of the porn is produced in Israel and consumed by Western men. Maybe it’s true, that terrorists are using such tactics–but not necessarily Muslim terrorists. Also interesting in the article is that it doesn’t mention Muslims associated with ‘terrorism’ ever being convicted of child pornography. Come to think of it, the overwhelming amount of Muslims arrested for terrorism are not convicted of terrorism either. This bit of trash produced by the media is designed to continue smearing Muslims. This tactic worked when used against Catholic priests; many parishioners shied away from the church.  This is effort is partly designed to get people from leaving leaving the mosques to join secularism–the bastien most easily susceptible to governmental abuse disguised as a ‘free society’ — and the push for child-porn is actually welcomed and consumed by the general public.  By now, more people than ever, Muslim and non-Muslim, Westerner and non-Westerner, are becoming more aware of the trash that governments use in order to secure an advantage to remove elements of a system they call democratic and just, when it’s anything but a just democracy.

Somalia: Islamist militiamen ‘destroy church in south’

October 2, 2008

Militiamen razed the cathedral on Wednesday straight after prayers to mark the end of the holy muslim fasting month of Ramadan, al-Sharq al-Awsat reported.

“This is retaliation for the destruction of a mosque in the Ethiopian city of Harar and the construction of a church where the mosque stood,” said Al-Qaeda linked ‘Young Mujahadeen’ formation, which claimed the attack.  >>>>>

We’ll take Catholic school – not Muslim

September 9, 2008

The president of the Camden/Macarthur Residents Group, Emil Sremchevich, told Fairfax the Catholic plan “ticks all the right boxes”, even though he was yet to see its development application.

“Catholics are part of our community so we should be supporting it on this basis alone,” Mr Sremchevich told Fairfax…

“Everyone can see there is a double standard … no one knows anything about about the Catholic school and they say ‘yeah, give it a tick already’.”

“I think racism is affecting this.”

If this took place in a real ‘secular and liberal democracy,’ then surely this is a form of racism.  Below is what wikipedia points out are the points (those relavent to this article) of a liberal democracy (like Australia) has, as per the theorist Larry Diamond:

  1. Citizens have multiple channels for expression and representation such as diverse independent associations and movements which they have the freedom to form and join.
  2. Individuals have substantial freedom of belief, opinion, discussion, speech, publication, assembly, demonstration and petition.
  3. Civil liberties are effectively protected by an non-discriminatory, independent judiciary
    whose decisions are respected and enforced by other centres of power.
  4. Citizens are politically equal under the law.
  5. Minority groups are not oppressed.

Please get back to fundamentalism of your own laws, and speak nor wish not of your fellow citizen.  In the US, even today, this would probably warrant a federal investigation into violating the civil rights of others, and corruption at the governmental level of those running the township that allows this kind of hate to exist, with impunity and justification — but of course.   This is not an anti-Catholic slam; even in Catholicism, which promotes pluralism as well (at least today), this practice would appear to be that which is oppressive.

Catholic paper challenges Malaysian authorities on using ‘Allah’ in print

August 12, 2008

 A Catholic newspaper in Malaysia, battling a government ban on its use of the word ‘Allah’, has been rapped for reporting on political issues including terrorism, its editor said on Tuesday.  The Herald newspaper, circulated among the country’s 850,000 Catholics, nearly lost its publishing licence for using the word ‘Allah’ as a translation for God, with authorities saying that it should be used by Muslims only.  >>>>>

Both sides have a great argument from their perspectives.

Catholic Cardinal criticizes Euro MP over anti-Islam stand: reports

August 11, 2008

(ROME) – Italy’s top prelate Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco has denounced a Euro MP in the anti-immigration Northern League for his anti-Islamic views, press reports said Saturday.  The Bishop of Genoa and president of the Italian episcopal conference voiced his “total disapproval” of Euro MP Mario Borghezio’s vow to “defend Christianity against profanation by Islam” made in a church in the northern port on Friday. >>>>>

The cardinal exemplifies what it means to be part of the ‘People of the Book.’  Thanks to my Christian brethren.

Philippine army attacks Muslim rebels in South

August 10, 2008

The Philippine military has attacked Muslim rebels holed up in Catholic farmlands in the south prompting hundreds to flee their homes.  >>>>>

Protestant pastor apologizes to Catholics over minister’s role in female ‘ordinations’

July 30, 2008

Boston, Jul 28, 2008 / 06:13 pm (CNA).- Just over a week ago, the dissident group Womenpriests claimed to “ordain” three women as priests at a Boston-area Church of Christ location. The move was condemned by the Archdiocese of Boston and now the Rev. David Runnion-Bareford, a Church of Christ minister, is apologizing to the archdiocese for his fellow minister’s sanctioning of the event.  >>>>>        

Um, why Americans believe that Islam oppresses women surprises me when the overwhelming majority of Americans are either Catholic or Protestant?  It appears in this article, that the prevailer(s) of the issue has a similar position as Islam does.  The book of Ephesians also distinguishes between the special roles men and women as well.  Instead of honoring the separate roles, while maintaining exact equal weight for work, votes, sins, etc.; we look at the differences solely for the ignorant ability to attack another. 


When comparing rights; many are quick to point out the benefits men have over women; but fail to see the special rights women have over men in Islam.  It is with the wisdom of the Almighty that the equity is calculated. Try adding 2 + 3; then adding 4 + 1.  Each variable is different; but both equations have the same sum (5).  You figure out which equation is male or female.

Feminists ignore baby girls killed by sex-selective abortions, pro-life leader says

July 29, 2008

Front Royal, Va, Jul 27, 2008 / 12:37 am (CNA).- Steven Mosher, president of the Population Research Institute (PRI), has charged that American feminists are refusing to address the problem of sex-selective abortions, a phenomenon in which unborn children of an unwanted sex are aborted. Mosher claims that over 100 million girls are missing, primarily due to parents who use ultrasound examinations to choose whether or not to abort the unborn child. >>>>>

“A father’s interest in having a child–perhaps his only child–may be unmatched by any other interest in his life. It is truly surprising that the state must assign a greater value to a mother’s decision to cut off a potential human life by abortion than to a father’s decision to let it mature into a live child.”  – Justice William H. Rehnquist,

“…Kill not your children on a plea of want; We provide sustenance for you and for them;” (Al-Qur’an 6:151)

Muslim ‘warriors’ threaten harm if Catholic Bishop does not convert to Islam

July 24, 2008

.- A Catholic bishop in the southern Philippines’ Basilan province has received a letter from self-described “Muslim warriors” possibly linked to Abu Sayyaf who are threatening him with harm if he does not convert to Islam or pay “Islamic taxes.” Further, authorities are seeking the return of three adults and two children, all Catholics, who were kidnapped in the same area this week.  Read entire article.

“self-described” is the key term here.  This is a Muslim-smearing ploy that would hold no ground other than to help sway the global public opinion.  Upon future reading of the 5-Pillar Column, and view news with a more objective approach that seeks sources that are valid, these ploys become more obvious.