Indian homes torched in Christian-Hindu violence

September 1, 2008

Thousands of poor and lower-caste Hindus have converted to other religions, including Christianity, often in an attempt to escape the rigid confines of Hinduism’s complex caste system.

That has long embittered Hindu groups who say Christian missionaries try to lure the poor and those on the lowest rungs away with promises of money and jobs. Churches deny that the converts were pressured or bribed. >>>>>

All this killing and pillaging under the name of religion. Incidentally, it appears that two words do not exist in this story – ‘Muslim’ and ‘terror.’ It seems the Associated Press reserves “terror” for anything even alleged with being Muslim. Yet with all the havoc in the case this article depicts, ‘terror’ doesn’t exist. No wonder they are losing newspaper subscriptions.

Protesters Demand Early Release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui

August 31, 2008

Islamabad: Hundreds of protesters here on Friday demanded immediate release of Dr. Aafia Siddiqui and her children from the US custody and action against those responsible for her agony in line with the teachings of Islam.  >>>>>

Will Authorities Stage Riots In Denver?

August 25, 2008

The major question hanging over the Democratic National Convention, which starts in Denver today, is whether or not authorities will follow the lead of previous mass protest events, and actively stage violence to justify a brutal crackdown on legitimate demonstrators. >>>>>

Even if there were riots, you might be able to answer it by effectively looking at “Did authorities stage 9/11?

Protesters Rally to End Indian Rule Over Kashmir

August 22, 2008

Tens of thousands of protesters poured onto the streets of Srinagar Friday. They were waving green and black flags and shouting slogans such as “Azadi,” Urdo for independence. At a massive rally at the prayer grounds, known as Eid Gah, in the center of the city, Kashmiri leaders called for independence from India.   >>>>>

New York City agrees to pay protesters $2 million

August 20, 2008

“The New York Police Department violated core constitutional rights when it arrested a group of peaceful demonstrators who were lawfully protesting against the commencement of the Iraq war and those who stood to profit from it,” said Sarah Netburn, a lawyer for the protesters. >>>>>

Many Jammu protesters ‘arrested’

August 19, 2008

Thousands of Hindu protesters in the Jammu region of Indian-administered Kashmir have been arrested during street protests, police say.  >>>>>