U.S. to Leave Iraq by 2011, Maliki says

August 26, 2008

…“It is not possible for any agreement to conclude unless it is on the basis of full sovereignty and the national interest, and that no foreign soldiers remain in Iraqi soil after a defined time ceiling,” Mr. Maliki said in a speech to Shiite tribal leaders in Baghdad’s Green Zone.  >>>>>

Pakistan vows to reopen embassy in Baghdad-statement

August 20, 2008

An Iraqi diplomat on Tuesday called on Pakistan to re-open its embassy in Baghdad, a government statement said.  “The outstanding security improvements have encouraged a number of countries, including Arab countries, to reopen their diplomatic missions in Baghdad,” a Council of Ministers’ statement cited Qais Subhi al-Yaqoubi, Iraq’s ambassador to Pakistan, as saying during a meeting with Pakistani deputy foreign minister Omar Khan Shirazi. >>>>>

How many more Iraqis can you put behind bars without trial?

August 19, 2008

Reports that U.S. and Iraqi government jails hold nearly 100,000 prisoners most of them languishing there without trial and proof of wrong doing are appalling.

Most arrests in Iraq whether by U.S. or Iraqi troops are arbitrary, carried out with little or no evidence. >>>>>

There are many in the U.S. who believe they (we) face the same fate, even without being Muslim. The common denominator is, who is more outspoken against the present administration. Let’s not forget those 800 plus detention camps that Halliburton help build.