Gangsters Now Demanding that Europe pay 440 Billion dollars to Bailout Continent

October 4, 2008

What the hell is going on here?

Since the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury Department have made it clear that they will be bailing out European banks, why is more money needed for this scheme?

Will US banks and those on the continent engage in some type of complex scheme, where their books show “illiquid” assets to be bought by the US, then have those transferred to Europe, so they will collect twice on this blackmail scheme?

The Western world is rife with the most unjust and poorest (pun intended) fundamental economic policy (relying on interest/usury).  Those enemies of Islam, have duped their own country folk into letting them cash out on something more than the abusive system these very same countrymen live under.  This level of oppression continues to rock the Western World, while the payment of blood, natural resources and sovereignty is paid by Muslim people(s).