Muslims not globalization ‘separatists’: survey

August 31, 2008

“But while there is evidence that Muslims do not want their culture to be changed to become like Western culture, we have found that they do want to be involved” in the global economy, he said.

“Negative feelings toward the U.S. and, to a lesser extent, European countries, are widely seen as hostility toward the process of globalization, of the inroads of the West into Muslim societies,” said Kull.  >>>>>

So, now that we’ve established that, let’s do the same type of poll with other groups…or is it that we already know that they are likely to be separatists, want it all, to include usury as a primary factor in global economies and state that other nations, or ethnic, religious or other groups should have less of the pie.

Islamic Jihad threatens Israel with ‘the fires of hell’

August 31, 2008

“We will unleash the fires of hell if the Zionist enemy continues its crimes,” said the group’s military chief Abu Hamzeh after the parade by around 800 Islamic Jihad members, an AFP journalist reported.

“We’re getting ready for the next round,” he added, saying “the Zionist enemy will have neither peace nor security while it occupies our land.” >>>>>

What would any other country say, and justifiably so, if his or her country were occupied and the world community acknowledged that these were international crimes? Just think about it, there is an occupation of people who you know hate you, want to be rid of you to take over your land; kill your civilians, prevents you from working, shuts down your banks and economy; or going to the hospital-even for emergency care, where your child dies prior to getting to such care because they need to wait in line and obtain permission by a soldier of the foreign force – who refuses. The world agrees that you’re oppressed, but no one will send help. What do you do? I can hear the echos now, “By hook or by crook,” “By any means necessary,” “Over my dead body,” etc.; I think by now, you get the point.

Nearly 50 militants killed on Pakistan-Afghan border: officials

August 27, 2008

KHAR, Pakistan (AFP) — Pakistani troops Wednesday killed up to 50 militants, including foreign fighters, near the troubled Afghan border amid an upsurge in Taliban-inspired bloodshed, security officials said. >>>>>

Al-Qaeda denounces Mauritania’s ‘infidel’ military junta: report

August 25, 2008

The suspected head of Al-Qaeda in Mauritania urged the country’s Muslims not to recognise the ruling military junta, calling it an “infidel regime,” AFP learned Monday.

The denunciation came as the head of the African Union (AU) Commission said he held an “optimistic” meeting with the junta’s leader General Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, aimed at restoring a constitutional government. >>>>>

Al-Qaeda seeks the same as the U.S. and the other Western – democratic nations, a return to the democratically elected government. Except maybe they aren’t “Al-Qaida.” Maybe they want us to believe that anyone with just Islamic rule should be labeled as Al-Qaida.

Alleged jihad writer ‘was a journalist’

August 25, 2008

Australian Federal Police (AFP) case officer Dale Redfern today said he knew of intercepted emails referring to Belal Saadallah Khazaal as being a journalist.

….He further agreed Mr Khazaal took steps to remove the book from the almagdese website, three days after the search, and weeks before his arrest.

Mr Redfern said Mr Khazaal was eventually granted bail after his arrest and has remained on bail since that time, living at his home address. >>>>>

Well, looks like a case is not going to get too far, God-willing. But the media coverage did wonders for negative public opinion about Muslims.

More than 90 Afghans killed in coalition strikes

August 24, 2008

An investigation has found that more than 90 civilians, mostly women and children, were killed in coalition air strikes days ago, an Afghan government minister told AFP Sunday.   >>>>>

Someone is not telling the truth.  Westerners usually rely on the initial reports of the West to form their opinions (which is why our echo chamber gives a more realistic view — we collect news from all parts of the world), and conclude them to be more factual.  The truth dies with that and the withholding of news from outside sources.  I’m inclined to believe the Afghan government, as they were implanted by the U.S.  What benefit do they gain from reporting something that didn’t happen?  Nothing.  It seems that the Taliban and the U.S.-recognized government of Karzai are on the talking point — The U.S. committed more war crimes and are doing what they can to cover it up:  business as usual. 

Israelis raid Hamas’ al-Aqsa office

August 24, 2008

Israeli forces have raided the offices of the Hamas movement in Umm al-Fahm city in the occupied Palestine and confiscated the property… Over the past two months, Israelis have raided Hamas institutions including mosques, charities and medical centers and confiscated their property.  >>>>>

Ethiopian forces kill five civilians in Somali bus: witnesses

August 15, 2008

Ethiopian forces accidentally killed five Somali civilians and wounded seven others when they opened fire on a minibus south of Mogadishu, witnesses and elders told AFP on Thursday.  >>>>>

When it is clearly evident that we are wrong, it is referred to as an accident.  A Muslim purposefully prays, and he is calling for jihad against a people.  Naturally, U.S. allies can’t do wrong, as in Israel, Georgia, Colombia, India, to name a few.