Pakistan’s Prime Minister Unhurt After Shooting

September 3, 2008

Ms. Rehman said it was too early to identify the attackers or the motive. “It would be irresponsible to speculate without details,” she said.

However, immediate suspicion fell on the Taliban. The Pakistani military has carried out a major air operation against Taliban forces in the Bajaur area of the tribal region in the country’s north along the Afghanistan border in the last three weeks, and the Taliban vowed to seek revenge. After a series of devastating attacks in various parts of the country, a cease-fire was put in place by the government last weekend. >>>>>

She mentions how irresponsible it would be to speculate; but the media has to get in their digs.  They’ve got to keep the sheeps’ minds fed.

Nine elite troops ambushed in southern Afghanistan

September 3, 2008

In Parliament, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson both renewed their commitment to the war in Afghanistan despite the latest losses, which brought the Australian toll there to six dead and 52 wounded. >>>>>

Even despite international consensus that Aghanistan, nor its people had anything to do with why they say they went to war to begin with?

Voice of power threatens voice of dialogue

August 28, 2008

Kaunas, Lithuania: They always come at night, George Orwell told us. You wake up to find people holding flashlights and surrounding your bed.  This image always reappears during times of tension and mistrust around the world – the faceless secret agency whisking off the unsuspecting to unspecified horrors because of the way they look or their refusal to conform.   >>>>>

Taliban Gain New Foothold in Afghan City

August 27, 2008

In the weeks since the prison break, security has further deteriorated in this southern Afghan city, once the de facto capital of the Taliban, that has become a renewed front line in the battle against the radical Islamist movement. The failure of the American-backed Afghan government to protect Kandahar has rippled across the rest of the country and complicated the task of NATO forces, which have suffered more deaths here this year than at any time since the 2001 invasion. >>>>>

Nearly 50 militants killed on Pakistan-Afghan border: officials

August 27, 2008

KHAR, Pakistan (AFP) — Pakistani troops Wednesday killed up to 50 militants, including foreign fighters, near the troubled Afghan border amid an upsurge in Taliban-inspired bloodshed, security officials said. >>>>>

60 Children Among Afghan Dead, U.N. Finds

August 26, 2008

KABUL, Afghanistan — A United Nations human rights team has found that some 90 civilians — among them 60 children — were killed in air strikes on a village in western Afghanistan on Thursday night, a statement issued by the United Nations mission in Kabul said, making it almost certainly the deadliest case of civilian casualties caused by any United States military operation in Afghanistan since 2001.

The United Nations report adds pressure to the United States military, which has to date said only that 25 militants and five civilians were killed in the air strikes, which were aimed at a Taliban named Mullah Saddiq. The military announced it was conducting an investigation after the high civilian death toll was reported.  >>>>>

said that he didn’t do the attacks on September 11, 2001; and there was “unconvincing evidence” that he did such a series of crimes.  The U.S. found cause to create a attack and subsequent occupation of Afghanistan.

let’s flip the above and see if it applies…

The U.S. said that it didn’t attack and kill that many children and innocent civilians in Afghanistan, and there is “convincing evidence” that the U.S. did such a series of .  Afghanistan has neither the right to due process on the 9/11/2001 issues nor does Afghanistan get to reciprocate the U.S.’ actions based on the recent killings amongst other genocidal horrors committed in the past several years.

Afghans urge coalition military changes

August 26, 2008

…The demands come after a U.S. airstrike Friday which the Afghan government says killed about 90 Afghan civilians and which the U.S.-led coalition says killed insurgents…

…”Unfortunately, to date, our demands have not been addressed, rather, more civilians — including women and children — are losing their lives as a result of air raids,” the council said.  >>>>>

Taliban turns lethal: 101 US deaths in Afghanistan

August 25, 2008

…Top U.S. generals, European presidents and analysts say the blame lies to the east, in militant sanctuaries in neighboring Pakistan. As long as those areas remain havens where fighters arm, train, recruit and plot increasingly sophisticated ambushes, the Afghan war will continue to sour.

“The U.S. is now losing the war against the Taliban,” Anthony Cordesman, of the Washington-based Center for Strategic and International Studies, wrote in a report Thursday. A resurgent al-Qaida, which was harbored by the Taliban in the years before the Sept. 11 attacks, could soon follow, Cordesman warned. >>>>>

This is political speak for, “We found an acceptable justification for expanding our war theater to include Pakistan.” Why not marginalize any Islamic country? The path to global domination is being created under our noses, yet many of us can’t smell it through all the smoke and destruction.

Pakistan Bans Taliban After Suicide Bombings

August 25, 2008

Islamabad, Pakistan – Pakistan banned the Taliban on Monday after they claimed responsibility for one of the country’s worst-ever terrorist attacks, toughening its stance a week after U.S. ally Pervez Musharraf was ousted from power. >>>>>

Ten killed in pro-Taliban militant attack in Pakistan (Roundup)

August 25, 2008

The move decreased the suicide bombings but created great concern in Washington and Pakistan’s other Western allies, which pressured Islamabad to halt peace negotiations with the militants who are accused of launching cross-border attacks on US-led forces in Afghanistan. >>>>>

More than 90 Afghans killed in coalition strikes

August 24, 2008

An investigation has found that more than 90 civilians, mostly women and children, were killed in coalition air strikes days ago, an Afghan government minister told AFP Sunday.   >>>>>

Someone is not telling the truth.  Westerners usually rely on the initial reports of the West to form their opinions (which is why our echo chamber gives a more realistic view — we collect news from all parts of the world), and conclude them to be more factual.  The truth dies with that and the withholding of news from outside sources.  I’m inclined to believe the Afghan government, as they were implanted by the U.S.  What benefit do they gain from reporting something that didn’t happen?  Nothing.  It seems that the Taliban and the U.S.-recognized government of Karzai are on the talking point — The U.S. committed more war crimes and are doing what they can to cover it up:  business as usual. 

Afghanistan criticises US attack

August 23, 2008

Afghanistan’s president has criticised US forces for “unilateral operations” in the west which, the government says, killed at least 70 civilians.  >>>>>



These are a people who have always claimed that they do not support, nor were responsible for 9/11.  When asked, most Americans still can’t come up with the reason for why we attacked Afghanistan.  The real reason was planned years before the war, to seek a safehaven in controlling oil distribution via a pipeline.  The spark to war was the claim that Osama, who was living in Afghanistan be arrested and extradited without a tria, etc.  Afghanistan needed more evidence, and they were right.  We have already proven that we have lied our way into Iraq.  Since Afghanistan is misunderstood, and more impoverished than Iraqis (who weren’t at all), Americans are less likely to complain.

We have no true justification for being in either war, including by way of U.S. and international laws – much less the sovereign laws of the very same nation(s).  Karzai, our implanted head of state, who controls the patch of Afghanistan that he controls, continues to complain about what amounts to be war crimes.  When an ally is doing this, and those defending the occupation, how much more of a megaphone does one need?  These war crimes are not isolated incidents.  We are just having a tough time suppressing the complaints. 

Afghan militants kill 10 French, strike at US base

August 19, 2008

SUROBI, Afghanistan (AP) — Insurgents mounted two of the biggest attacks in years on Western forces in Afghanistan, killing 10 French soldiers in a mountain ambush and then sending a squad of suicide bombers in a failed assault early Tuesday on a U.S. base near the Pakistan border.

The audacious strikes suggested a bolder insurgency is now willing to launch frontal assaults on U.S. and NATO troops.  >>>>>

It’s about time that we, the Western powers, leave the region.  We had no justifiable reason for occupying them in the first place.

Afghan Independence Day dampened by threat of violence

August 18, 2008

The top U.S. general in Afghanistan issued a rare public warning Monday that militants planned to attack civilian, military and government targets. Only hours earlier a suicide bomber killed 10 Afghans outside a U.S. base.  >>>>>

NATO-led soldiers ‘accidentally’ kill four Afghan civilians

August 18, 2008

KABUL (AFP) – NATO-led soldiers operating in southern Afghanistan “accidentally” killed four civilians and wounded three others in a rocket attack intended for insurgents, the alliance force said Sunday.  >>>>>

Even those in the newswire don’t believe it; by being compelled to place quotation marks around the word accidentally.

China’s tough Xinjiang policy backfires

August 16, 2008

China’s success in eliminating clusters of Muslim insurgencies in the western province of Xinjiang may have pushed an alleged separatist movement across the border into Pakistan and Afghanistan, exposing it to greater influences by jihadi groups in those countries. >>>>>

It appears that many of world’s secular, sovereign states have abandoned their fight against each other to somehow alienate their true threats — Islam, because Muslims seem to not change their religious beliefs for the sake of world imperialism.   It’s interesting that the secular and only governments who are the permanent members of the United Nations: China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States each have their oppressive histories and imperialistic agendas.  Muslims were actually the ones relied upon for the front lines against these countries, and seem to have fought the hardest with the least resources.

Taliban collecting taxes to raise funds for ‘jihad’

August 16, 2008

PESHAWAR: The Taliban are financing their “jihad” against the United States and supporting the families of the militants killed in the war with private taxation, besides Zakat and Ushr. >>>>>

If we apply normal terminology per respective culture, does it amount to the same actions?

Taliban = U.S. patriots

jihad = war on terror

United States = Muslim populations

militants = service members

private taxation = money looted from Americans, such as gas tax

Zakat and Ushr = tithing collected by churches and property taxes

The U.S. patriots are financing their war on terror against the Muslim populations and supporting the families of service members killed in the war with money looted from Americans, such as the gas tax; besides tithing collected by churches and property taxes.

Aside from the cultural translations…..what is the difference? The difference is that the Taliban is defending an occupation, and the U.S. is pummeling the region for two clearly unjust reasons:

1) the people of Afghanistan have no blame for actions that caused the 9/11 tragedies.

2) An attack on Afghanistan was pre-planned by the neo-cons years prior to the 9/11; for the purpose of controlling their natural resources and other imperialistic goals.

Taliban: ‘Open war’ in Pakistan as bomb kills 14

August 14, 2008

The Pakistani Taliban declared “open war” Tuesday in response to military offensives in the northwest, saying it staged a bombing that destroyed an air force truck and killed up to 14 people, including a child.  >>>>>

Isn’t open war declared when you are being bombed, as Pakistan is doing to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan?  It appears that once again, the Taliban are ‘responding to open war.’  But for some reason, we continue modeling the West on our approach to foreign affairs.  I wonder if this launch has anything to do with lighting another match to attempt to stave off the imminent departure of Musharraf; or bigger yet, copy the efforts of U.S. – Iraq; Georgia – Russia; Kurdistan – Turkey; Israel – Iran…?  Are the comparisons that far fetched?

Taliban attacks NATO by choking supplies

August 13, 2008

Gulab Khan is constantly reminded of the danger of his job by the two round stickers he has used to cover bullet holes in the windscreen of the cab of his lorry, one of the thousands of trucks carrying diesel and jet fuel to Nato bases across Afghanistan.  >>>>>

Siddiqui Says She Was Secretly Detained and Tortured For Years By US

August 8, 2008
Aafia Siddiqui, who is accused of being a key al-Qaida operative, disappeared five years ago. Now being detained in New York, she said she had been held elsewhere for years and was tortured.  >>>>>