My American World

The inspiration for this post comes from a telling cartoon:  The World’s Worst Nightmare,” by Carlos Latuff .
5-Pillar Scribe
Although we, as Americans, see ourselves as the champions of freedom and democracy; much of the world – the oppressed, impoverished, less fortunate and even those more fortunate than we are (yes, there are people in this world more fortunate than Americans), see us as an opportunistic, ruthless and blood-lusting bully. 

As human beings, we have lately progressed into a decline of being civilized.  We wear the tin and tarnished badge of pride and arrogance and claim that we surely live the American dream (although many today would argue that we are living a nightmare); not realizing that we do so through the nightmares of others – foreign and domestic. 

When asked to take a hard look at ourselves, we make excuses for what we do and are even proud of the blood we shed.  We claim to guess at what others think; then destroy them before they have a chance to explain or bring forth the evidence to show how a grave persecution faces their people if Americans fail to believe them.  Their pleas go by the way of dripping blood – isolated, sealed and discarded, never to be seen again.

We have built this blood-drenching tradition since the time of creating this country, on the backs of African slaves (many who were Muslim), solely based on their color, as well as the Native Americans – solely based on their color.  We no longer use color as the primary reason for annihilation and forced servitude.  But let’s not kid ourselves into thinking it’s a tactic we have abandoned when necessary.

We claim to have progressed and now shed even more blood, but not because of color.  We’ve reverted back to addressing a more formidable attribute – the label of a select conscience; but not because of conscience, but rather another deadly sin – greed.  As horrific as it is, in and of itself, it may actually be an improvement; for we are no longer primarily picking out a mere physical attribute to determine the quality of a human being. 

It is, however, still insufficient to kill based on the brand of a belief system, such as Islam; when that very same belief system has practiced throughout history the protection of freedoms that even Americans have taken for granted today.  These freedoms are being washed away with the blood-stained rags needed to achieve temporary and unearned riches.

A squeamish and less than frontal or even a flanked attack has already commenced; not only of the desired gratitude of the global community for their own demise, but for the enslavement of especially the innocents of the American citizenry.  This has been done while the enemies of humanity hijacked the concept of a people’s government to later make that same citizenry ignorant accomplices to genocide of peoples of conscience.  We are talking about hundreds of millions of people who are facing the race to a global war.  We minimize it as much as we can by differentiating them by their nationalities, ethnicities, races, political persuasion; but they are amongst the largest of subsets of mankind – they, rather we, are Muslims.  

We have marched on, with our star-spangled banner; even against the advice of the majority of sovereign states – a democratic concept rejected by the Champions of Democracy.  For the states that have agreed with us, have instantaneously become guilty by association through their greed or by attempts to rise their lowly status by groveling at the chance to somehow be allied with the world’s beacon – the United States.  We march on, even against the advice of our religious leaders and legal scholars, who have sought patience and cautioned about the grave moral and legal consequences by moving in haste.  We’ve temporarily padded their organizations’ pockets and promised them a degree of increased power in our political marketplace – where the separation of church and state was imposed upon this once-great society because of the potential abuse from those who do believe – how ironic

Today, as it was back then, it is power that we relish; not realizing that this world is one that that has nations interdependent of each other.  We have no problem cutting up whole populations and cutting through cultures and destroying valuable history and infrastructures to satisfy our unjust desires.   That sounded too clean.  We have torn the limbs, pierced the flesh, murdered women and children, incinerated whole families, mutilated people – dead and alive.  We have destroyed them physically; and for those who still live, we work on stripping their fundamental rights, smearing their reputations, controlling their minds and crushing their spirit.  

The only difference we see between us and them is that they are not succumbed to our rapidly changing system.  We yell and scream in protest and through our far-from-centered talk shows and other media ploys on how “those people” dare whisper to seek or even speak about justice; for they never knew true justice.  They should accept the fight for freedom as we proud Americans unjustly and physically address their major cities in shock and awe. 

Ours is yet to come.  We are next in line, with a relatively bloodless coup by our incorporated government against the true government – We the People.  As frogs conjugating in the melting pot with an incrementally-increasing simmer, our own gizzards are being cooked.   Our tangible and intangible worth is disappearing – from our rights, our property, our money, our means for transportation, our health-care, our education, our sanity, our dignity, and next to be focused on: our will, our minds and our souls.

How I fear the wrath not only from the world’s populous; not only from how my own children will be perceived from the outside as Americans, and the inside – as Muslims; nothing like I’ve felt so far for the several injustices and infractions I’ve faced over my adopted Islamic name, nor for the wrongful perception of the extent of evil associated with it; but to think of the punishment that faces mankind, including me, when it’s all over. 

If it had been your Lord’s will, they all would have believed – all who are on earth. Will you, then, compel the people, against their will, to believe?” [Qur’an 10:99] 

5 Responses to My American World

  1. Amina says:

    What a powerful statement this aricle makes. I am certain there are many who see this but hesitate to voice it for fear of what our goverment is truly capable of doing to those who speak out.

  2. Joey Tavares says:

    You know, I’ll be the first to lambaste the “West” and market capitalism, hell, even banking. But I won’t sit here while one whitewashes…

    As if Islam and Evil have never shared the same bed. As if it’s religious certitude hadn’t, not even two hundred years ago, cut it’s own swath of Europe – in that Islam and Judeo-Christianity are BRETHREN.

    So get off your soap-box. Please. Because it isn’t WHO is better than WHOM – human greed and superiority have been causing our young race a lot of grief, and those, my good friend, are EVERY person’s domain.

  3. 5-Pillar Scribe says:

    I would be the first to fight against terrorism against Muslims if Muslims were the perpetrators. However, Muslims are the ones dying all over the world for the lies of the greedy. Their voices are not that strong, because they continue to be drowned out by the lies and deception smears them at every and any chance. I, therefore, offer a voice.

    Not that it is a requirement. But the fact that I am an American, (born and bred); have served my country as a U.S. Marine, and have paid my taxes, any due to society that is owed is being worked on; and paid for my own soap box – gives me more than my earned right to stand on it without someone trying to take me off.

    It would be more just, rewarding and frankly productive if you were to go on the MSM phone networks/websites and inform the liars who are catapulting us into a further demise – to get off their soap-box. But instead, you offer to quell only my voice. This is part of the problem; and with all due respect – is why I’ve started blogging in the first place.

    If you have children, as I do, the elements for their future on this earth don’t seem too promising. I am attempting to do whatever little part I can to reach out and say – “enough is enough!” If you have traveled abroad to a third-would country, you tend to appreciate more the suffering that others go through, much because of a fight for democracy that avails them scraps. I don’t want my children, nor yours, to grow up thinking that as long as we are passive about our positions, and let the powers at be do their thing without speaking up against them; then everything is kosher. I want us to understand the difference between right or wrong.

    On a side note; ironically so, it was as a Catholic Marine Lay Leader when I stood up to my command general when I witnessed the onslaught of oppression to a people who didn’t deserve it (Muslims), even before I understood what a Muslim was; and paid dearly as a result.

    If you want me to say that many Muslims have abused their religious edicts and instruction and have plundered on this earth; I’m with you 100%. But when it does happen on my watch, I hope that you also would be there with me, Muslim or not, to challenge tyranny over oppression. If any of my words seem harsh, please excuse the passion. I, as any Muslim is taught, understand that whatever is good for a Muslim, is good for humanity. Assalaamu alaykum to you and all mankind.

  4. Friends,

    It is a good thing, I think, that the fully-amended US Constitution AND the prior Declaration of Independence from the British Empire that stands behind it still do live on in the hearts and minds of so many alive today, all arouind the globe, regardless of so-called “faith boundaries”. NeoCon-fashionable US policies of global dominance just can’t hold a candle to ’em – just compare ’em to the NeoCons’ PNAC Master Plan for “Multiple Wars on Multiple Fronts” and see for ones’ own self. Hey, it’s only smart shopping, my friends! Keep what’s WORTH keeping, hm?

    These two foundational documents of our (these days) thoroughly-hijacked Constitutional Republic may be “God-damned pieces of paper” to our “Leerful Feeder’s” Special Projects Team (UGH! OFF AND AWAY WITH IT ALL!), but WE the PEOPLE still lawfully own our own sociopolitical destiny and all that rides with it – not those sneerin’ contempt-laden corporate greedheads of the NeoJacked ‘n’ Diebold-securitized USDC Jurisdiction’s Executive Branch.

    They just might do “Just Whatever” to us all before it is done and over – but a few decent people even survived the prior Auschwitz… Belsen… Treblinka… all of ’em. Now that there are 100 Gummint “resettlement” (prison, my friend. Prison.) camps new-made on US soil, mostly built over the prior eight years – mostly by Halliburton Corporation – my blood runs cold. Some passers-through did once insist there were shackles bolted to the walls of those cattle-cars they saw in the railroad yard, back ’round Kansas City…

    So: They may indeed do Just Whatever to any and/or all of us. But they have NO POWER to force Any of us to LIKE it! Because of this fundamental fact of Natural Law, the absolute power over all the Rest of Us that these lie-pumpin’ greedy criminal-elite smashers of normal honest civilizations would wield is *BROKEN!* from the start.

    In this one fact alone is found our strength as a human world community – and the downfall of the oppressor’s brutal quest for world domination. “Pax Americana” be damned for the Potemkin-grade lie that it truly is and always was. I shall settle for nothing less than REAL (aka “*mutually* beneficial”) peace on Earth, thank you, good will and all – and have none of the Faulty although Convenient (but also dishonest-like-BOGUS) Contrivance at all.

    I am Peace Chief Blue-In-The-Face Walking Turtle of the Global Funny Hat Medicine Society and the Ashkenazi Cheroquois Human Beings’ Planetary Nation. I hereby do license the global and universal practice of the Holy Curmudgeonry of Heaven, and I have a LONG memory to back its’ Moral Authority, both unto and for all.

    Oh, one last thing: – tjose who would pull the Secret Veil of Dreams aside and look the4 System in the teeth might just kindly obtain and study its well-described secrets and Natural Wisdom with care. It is helpful to clarify a few things about the Great US Machine and underlying Royal Scam, within which we all seem to be helplessly engulfed sometimes, while tyranny marches rough-shod on and over our very backs, every day, sometimes…

    Also, I approved this grumblin’ comment. (Maybe you approve of it, too.) Do likewise?

    Increase the Peace!
    Reject ALL Terror!
    (You KNOW you WANT to!)

    And that is all!

  5. […] My American World 10 08 2008 My American World […]

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