Passengers Can Challenge No-Fly List

August 20, 2008

In a 2-1 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco reinstated a suit by a former Stanford University student who was detained and handcuffed in 2005 as she was about to board a plane to her native Malaysia. >>>>>

Court: Passengers can challenge no-fly list, thanks to Muslim student

August 19, 2008

Critics of the government’s secret no-fly list scored a potentially important victory Monday when a federal appeals court ruled that would-be passengers can ask a judge and jury to decide whether their inclusion on the list violates their rights.

In a 2-1 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco reinstated a suit by a former Stanford University student who was detained and handcuffed in 2005 as she was about to board a plane to her native Malaysia.  >>>>>

These are major victories. However, they only scratch at the surface in rebounding from the damage already done to the rights of Americans due to unjust laws — blamed on the other wrong — defaming Muslims on a grand scheme.