Populists Back Ron Paul’s Plan To Kill the Fed

October 4, 2008

The trillion-dollar Wall Street bailout plan negotiated by the White House and Congress has reinvigorated the debate about Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul’s Federal Reserve Board Abolition Act (HR 2755), which was introduced into Congress in June 2007…

However, there has been a great deal of discussion about this landmark legislation on the Internet and in the alternative press. Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin has even made abolishing the Fed one of the top planks in his platform.  >>>>>

The fundamental mess that is glossed over is not the name of the organization known as the Federal Reserve Bank (not officially a part of the U.S. Government – as its name suggests).  It is, rather, the practice of financial usury/interest.  It is this that is a great enemy to Muslims, yet is used as a tool of oppression – and indeed is financial terrorism – against the masses in the U.S. and around the world.  Muslims champion the elimination of this practice.  However, the Western populous usually doesn’t see this because the Islamic World is busy dodging the smear campaign of being terrorists when not dodging bombs and bullets by the real terrorists.