The good that madrasas do goes unnoticed

September 5, 2008

Madrasas, in the non-Muslim mass media, are now viewed mainly through ‘security’ lens, and, in this way, their positive contributions — their role in providing free mass education, particularly to the poor, their central role of preserving, protecting and transmitting the Islamic religious and cultural tradition and even the key role of numerous madrasas and their ulema in India’s anti-colonial struggle — are being deliberately sought to be denied and invisiblised.

Hounded in this way by the media, anti-Muslim political forces and even by powerful elements within the State apparatus, the madrasas, like other Muslim institutions, are being increasingly forced on the defensive. >>>>>

Finally, someone says: No new mosques! – True xeno-colors showing

September 1, 2008

The proposal will also require mosques to be at least one kilometer away from nearby churches, and sermons must be conducted in Italian rather than Arabic.

Critics say the bill will face insurmountable challenges because it violates constitutional rights and lacks support from Berlusconi’s Forza Italia Party and the National Alliance. However, the Catholic UDC Party supports the bill.

Italy is estimated to be the home of 1.2 million Muslims and 258 registered mosques, and Islam is the second largest religion in the country. Many Italians have become concerned about what they believe to be an overwhelming Islamic presence.

Constitutional rights only apply to non-Muslims? 258 registered mosques serves an average of 4,641 people per? There are many mosques that serve less than a few hundred people in the U.S. Since when do others dictate how many people should be serviced by building a mosque, church or synagogue. How many synagogues exist in Italy compared to worshippers?

Whiile I support the church on many matters; their desire to support the violation the constitutional rights of Muslims shows how the church is not congruent with their own government. Should the church now be considered ‘extreme’ by the populous, better yet, by the government? What about a sense of separation of church and state, is this not accepted as part of Italy’s understanding of democracy?

Another thing that boldly disturbs me, Italy is to the U.S. what Muslims are to Mexicans. They have the audacity today to state that immigration is a problem, when they have no qualms with their colonialist past in respective Muslim/Mexican lands. What a shameful perspective.

Israelis raid Hamas’ al-Aqsa office

August 24, 2008

Israeli forces have raided the offices of the Hamas movement in Umm al-Fahm city in the occupied Palestine and confiscated the property… Over the past two months, Israelis have raided Hamas institutions including mosques, charities and medical centers and confiscated their property.  >>>>>

Iran: Zionist regime to be dismantled soon

August 21, 2008
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad here on Wednesday advised the leaders of European countries and the US not to yield to the Zionists` demands and never count on their support because `We will witness dismantling of the corrupt regime in a very near future.` >>>>>

Islamic group charged for spreading hatred

August 21, 2008

Indonesian prosecutors charged the leader of a hardline Islamic group on Thursday for spreading hatred and inciting his followers to attack an interfaith rally in Jakarta in June where dozens of people were injured.   >>>>>

In the U.S. we have guys who go into protests and help to create riots.  They are usually undercover police officers or rabble rouzers who want to turn something peaceful into something that looks as if their intentions are criminal.  How many talking heads do we have in the U.S. who spew their vile and about the need to continue our march to imperialism; how many people subscribe to the tune “… bomb, bomb Iran?”  Is this hateful enough?