ADC Disappointed with Offensive Picture Posted by South Carolina State Senator

July 25, 2008

Washington, DC | July 23, 2008 | | Today the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) sent a letter to Republican South Carolina state senator Kevin L. Bryant. ADC, the nation’s largest civil rights organization working on behalf of the Arab-American community, relayed its extreme disappointment after Bryant posted a picture on his blog of a t-shirt juxtaposing an image of Osama Bin Laden with an image of Democratic Presidential Candidate Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) dressed in traditional Kenyan clothing. The t-shirt reads, “The difference between Obama and Osama is just a little B.S.” and highlights those same letters in both names. <<<<<<<

It would sure be refreshing to bring people into office who treat their position with honor and dignity.  Intolerance of not only a religion, Islam, is an excuse to attack Obama’s race without being viewed as a racist.  If he were a radio-show host, there may have been many who called for his job.  Since he is a politician – “Oh well, just another creative crack from the fella.”