Taliban Kill Dozens in Bus Ambush, Officials Say

October 20, 2008

The attack was on the main road running from the southern city of Kandahar to the western town of Herat, General Qati said. It took place in Maiwand District, which is known as an area with a significant Taliban presence, where attacks on military convoys are frequent. The road is also the main route for British and Afghan army troops traveling to Helmand Province, where the insurgency is strongest.  >>>>>

Not denying its authenticity, it would have been more credible if there were something more concrete from the side of the Taliban to verify such a claim.  It would not be the first time that friendly fire on suspected Taliban recruits or prisoner releases is set up where the massacre is blamed on the other side.  It would serve the purpose of the killers on many levels, to include offsetting the propaganda gains the Taliban may have had in the taking down of the U.S. chopper.  Even Sun Tzu writes about this tactic in the ‘Art of War’.

The reason for the hesitation in accepting this article as truth is that the War on Terror has been fought with many lies.  Even the ‘inadvertent’ mass killing of innocent civilians is denied by the West and the Afghan forces, until the evidence is overwhelmingly undeniable.


October 17, 2008

All the necessary plans have been made to cause a violent eruption in the Western Provinces, the proposed building site for the American oil and gas pipelines that will save the world. Thanks to the new US/India nuclear deal, Bush now has available 150,000 Indian troops to clear-out Pakistani opposition.

The only remaining obstacle is the ongoing battle being fought at Bejaur by Pakistan, against US/Indian fake taliban. This is why the US is against Pakistan’s approach to eliminating the fake Taliban and fake al Qaida, Pakistan is eliminating the US’s henchmen.  >>>>>

Taliban claim killing of top female Afghan officer

September 29, 2008

Kakar, with the rank of captain, was head of Kandahar’s department of crimes against women, leading about 10 female officers, and spent her working life tackling theft, domestic violence and murder. She joined the city’s police force in 1982, following in the footsteps of her father and brothers, but was forced out after the Taliban captured Kandahar in the mid-1990s and banned all women from working.  >>>>>

Afghanistan criticises US attack

August 23, 2008

Afghanistan’s president has criticised US forces for “unilateral operations” in the west which, the government says, killed at least 70 civilians.  >>>>>



These are a people who have always claimed that they do not support, nor were responsible for 9/11.  When asked, most Americans still can’t come up with the reason for why we attacked Afghanistan.  The real reason was planned years before the war, to seek a safehaven in controlling oil distribution via a pipeline.  The spark to war was the claim that Osama, who was living in Afghanistan be arrested and extradited without a tria, etc.  Afghanistan needed more evidence, and they were right.  We have already proven that we have lied our way into Iraq.  Since Afghanistan is misunderstood, and more impoverished than Iraqis (who weren’t at all), Americans are less likely to complain.

We have no true justification for being in either war, including by way of U.S. and international laws – much less the sovereign laws of the very same nation(s).  Karzai, our implanted head of state, who controls the patch of Afghanistan that he controls, continues to complain about what amounts to be war crimes.  When an ally is doing this, and those defending the occupation, how much more of a megaphone does one need?  These war crimes are not isolated incidents.  We are just having a tough time suppressing the complaints.