Protesters Rally to End Indian Rule Over Kashmir

August 22, 2008

Tens of thousands of protesters poured onto the streets of Srinagar Friday. They were waving green and black flags and shouting slogans such as “Azadi,” Urdo for independence. At a massive rally at the prayer grounds, known as Eid Gah, in the center of the city, Kashmiri leaders called for independence from India.   >>>>>

Hindu Group in Indian-Held Kashmir Calls for Civil Disobedience

August 21, 2008

A Hindu group in Indian-controlled Kashmir called for a civil disobedience campaign as part of protests to press its demands for regaining land for a shrine.   >>>>>

Ever wonder why a Muslim, in the U.S., would not dare call for civil disobedience.  It would mean ostracizing him for being an ‘extremist,’ filled with ‘hateful speech.’  One famous Muslim, Wesley Snipes, tried the not paying taxes, based on his advisers actions….they ended up convicted.