POLITICS-SOMALIA: U.S. Policy Likely to Bring Blowback

September 4, 2008

“U.S. counterterrorism policies have not only compromised other international agendas in Somalia, they have generated a high level of anti-Americanism and are contributing to radicalisation of the population,” concluded the report, entitled “Somalia: A Country in Peril, a Foreign Policy Nightmare”.

“In what could become a dangerous instance of blowback, defence and intelligence operations intended to make the United States more secure from the threat of terrorism may be increasing the threat of jihadist attacks on American interests,” the report stressed. >>>>>

Somalian Islamists deny involvement in abduction

August 25, 2008

Somalian Islamists say they had no part in the abduction of two journalists at the weekend. They suspect that the kidnappers of a Canadian reporter and an Australian photographer are only interested in collecting a ransom, and have no political motives for their action. The Islamists added that they would try to secure the release of the two journalists. >>>>>

In the U.S., there is a way to treat people who are accused…”innocent until proven guilty.” Given the fact that the Islamists denied it, and the media record that the West has on issues relating to Islam and helping with their embedded propaganda efforts in promoting imperialism — I’m inclined to believe the Somali Islamists.

Two Western journalists kidnapped in Somalia

August 24, 2008

Unidentified gunmen kidnapped two western journalists near Somalia’s capital Mogadishu, believed to be an Australian man and Canadian woman.  >>>>>