Protestant pastor apologizes to Catholics over minister’s role in female ‘ordinations’

July 30, 2008

Boston, Jul 28, 2008 / 06:13 pm (CNA).- Just over a week ago, the dissident group Womenpriests claimed to “ordain” three women as priests at a Boston-area Church of Christ location. The move was condemned by the Archdiocese of Boston and now the Rev. David Runnion-Bareford, a Church of Christ minister, is apologizing to the archdiocese for his fellow minister’s sanctioning of the event.  >>>>>        

Um, why Americans believe that Islam oppresses women surprises me when the overwhelming majority of Americans are either Catholic or Protestant?  It appears in this article, that the prevailer(s) of the issue has a similar position as Islam does.  The book of Ephesians also distinguishes between the special roles men and women as well.  Instead of honoring the separate roles, while maintaining exact equal weight for work, votes, sins, etc.; we look at the differences solely for the ignorant ability to attack another. 


When comparing rights; many are quick to point out the benefits men have over women; but fail to see the special rights women have over men in Islam.  It is with the wisdom of the Almighty that the equity is calculated. Try adding 2 + 3; then adding 4 + 1.  Each variable is different; but both equations have the same sum (5).  You figure out which equation is male or female.