War-scarred children begin to heal in Gaza

August 21, 2008

Huda Ghalia, still haunted by the explosion on a Gaza City beach that killed most of her family, has found a place to heal at a new UN-run summer camp along with other war-scarred Palestinian children.   >>>>>

Implementation of sharia demanded

August 19, 2008

PESHAWAR: The Bajaur Youth Movement (BYM) has demanded the government implement Sharia in Bajuar Agency in order to end unrest in the area. The movement also urged the government to halt on-going military operation.  >>>>>

How to save the world – don’t have more than two children

July 26, 2008

British couples should have no more than two children to save the world from global warming, according to a green think tank.  Campaigners from the Optimum Population Trust said limiting family size was the ’simplest and biggest’ contribution people could make to saving the planet.  >>>>>

            And our (Western) women thought they were liberated with the social acceptance and legal protections of contraception and abortion.  Now, the government(s) want to be able to force it upon them.  Western ‘free’ countries previously used China’s child-limit as a means of propagandizing against Communism. 
     It is not only the economic system – it is the push toward secularism.  Interesting how ‘God-given’ rights  are slowly taken away by those who don’t want you to mention God.  If the Bible says ‘…be fruitful and multiply,’ and we are told that there is a separation of church and state; then why does government get to interfere with our ability to have children (practice our religion)? 
          This is not just a problem for Muslims, but all people who believe in such regarding right to having children.  Make no mistake, Europeans are threatened with the growing Muslim population.  Once people have babies at the present rates, Western countries will have to make a decision whether to continue their ‘democracies’ with a majority of the voters who are Muslim; or evolve into a democratic state of apartheid.  Just look around you, which way do you think they’re headed.
            More people are not what’s hurting the planet; it’s the pillaging and unfair distribution of food, resources and goods – in other words – CORRUPTION.
The advancements of humanity came from people who strived in numbers.  The destruction of the world comes from people who want the world for themselves.