Bombs kill at least 2 Russian soldiers in Chechnya

August 30, 2008

On Sunday, two senior Russian officers were killed in an ambush on their convoy. Russian security officials said this week that Islamist militants in the North Caucasus region were planning a new wave of attacks. >>>>>

Chechen president to inaugurate ‘largest mosque in Europe’

August 28, 2008

Over 10,000 worshipers will be able to pray inside the mosque, which will be named after the president’s father, Ahmad Kadyrov, who was killed in 2004.

“The largest mosque in Europe… will by inaugurated on the first day of the International Peacemakers’ Conference, titled ‘Islam – Religion of Peace and Progress,'” the grand mufti of Chechnya, Sultan Mirzayev, told the press. >>>>>

Russia torture accuser, (A Muslim), disappears – rights groups

August 7, 2008

MOSCOW, Aug 6 (Reuters) – A man who has publicly accused soldiers loyal to Chechnya’s President Ramzan Kadyrov of abducting and torturing him has disappeared in the southern Russian republic, human rights groups said on Wednesday. >>>>>

The average Westerner would not equate this story to the victim being that of a Muslim.  The word “Muslim” doesn’t exist anywhere in the story.  One has to reach the bottom of the story in order to read a connotation regarding to the fact that he was Muslim.  Even the original title can confuse the reader….one could read it as the accuser ‘disappears’ – rights groups…..meaning the accuser got rid of the whole group. 

I know it sounds like nit-picking.  However, Muslims need to inform the world’s citizens that the term Muslim is unjustly equated with evil; and any form of Muslim victimhood should be minimized or glossed over with their nationalism, race, ethnicity, gender or legal status.  Besides, in Chechnya, Muslims are being “disappeared” by the thousands.