Thousands of Troops Are Deployed on U.S. Streets Ready to Carry Out “Crowd Control”

October 8, 2008

Background: the First Brigade of the Third Infantry Division, three to four thousand soldiers, has been deployed in the United States as of October 1. Their stated mission is the form of crowd control they practiced in Iraq, subduing “unruly individuals,” and the management of a national emergency. I am in Seattle and heard from the brother of one of the soldiers that they are engaged in exercises now. Amy Goodman reported that an Army spokesperson confirmed that they will have access to lethal and non lethal crowd control technologies and tanks.  >>>>>

Ex-Mossad agent’s daughter protests occupation

September 24, 2008

The daughter of an ex-Mossad deputy has refused to do military service because of Israel’s killing of Palestinian civilians.

Omer Goldman, daughter of Natalin Granot, former deputy to the head of Mossad, was imprisoned on Tuesday after she, along with two other Israeli women, Miya Tamarin and Tamar Katz, refused to enter the army. >>>>>

She is a perfect example of why Muslims should not be hating any one group of people. She has made a decision of conscience. It is a brave one that places her morals above her nation’s call of duty. May she receive the blessings and protection for her decision.

Somalian Islamists deny involvement in abduction

August 25, 2008

Somalian Islamists say they had no part in the abduction of two journalists at the weekend. They suspect that the kidnappers of a Canadian reporter and an Australian photographer are only interested in collecting a ransom, and have no political motives for their action. The Islamists added that they would try to secure the release of the two journalists. >>>>>

In the U.S., there is a way to treat people who are accused…”innocent until proven guilty.” Given the fact that the Islamists denied it, and the media record that the West has on issues relating to Islam and helping with their embedded propaganda efforts in promoting imperialism — I’m inclined to believe the Somali Islamists.

Name on government watch list threatens pilot’s career

August 22, 2008

WASHINGTON (CNN) — For Erich Scherfen, being on a government terror watch list isn’t just a matter of inconvenience. It could end his career.  Scherfen served in the U.S. military for 13 years, as an Army infantryman in the first Gulf War and then as a helicopter pilot in the National Guard. After receiving an honorable discharge, he was hired as a pilot by Colgan Air Inc., a regional airline operating in the Northeast and Texas. >>>>>

For those of us who gave our hearts, stood up for justice, in the military, and while a civilian; and later as Muslims feel a slight discomfort to our lives compared to the mayhem, death, oppression and occupation of those in this world who also refer(red) to themselves as Muslim.  No, we are not terrorists.  Incidentally, it’s a shame that his wife has to defend her position by saying “…publications…not political.”  This is the what the establishment want of us.  However, if we remain apolitical, we will face the same fate, and even worse.  It is important that we are involved in all aspects, social, political and otherwise. 

I pray not for them to avoid their struggle.  I pray that they are given the strength to endure in this struggle.  God speed.

Lebanon bomb inquiry focuses on Islamists – source

August 15, 2008

A Lebanese army investigation into a bomb attack that killed 15 people, including 10 soldiers, is focusing on militant Sunni Islamist involvement, a security source said on Thursday. The attack in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli on Wednesday was the deadliest against the army since its 15-week battle with al Qaeda-inspired militants in the north last year. The bomb, which was planted at a bus stop, wounded 45 people.  >>>>>



US Military Recruits Children: “America’ Army” Video Game Violates International Law

July 25, 2008

In May of 2002, the United States Army invaded E3, the annual video game convention held in Los Angeles. At the city’s Convention Center, young game enthusiasts mixed with camouflaged soldiers, Humvees and a small tank parked near the entrance. Thundering helicopter sound effects drew the curious to the Army’s interactive display, where a giant video screen flashed the words “Empower yourself. Defend America … You will be a soldier.”(1) <<<<<<

Keep this in mind the next time you’re playing Halo.  Americans violate international law by this mindless, military-indoctrination method, and we celebrate the violence and desenstization of our children.  If Muslims create any similar type of video game, it’s because they want to take over the world.