‘Jihad’ evangelicals on trial

October 2, 2008

In January 2002, the Victorian Labor Government passed its Racial and Religious Tolerance Act prohibiting the vilification of persons on the grounds of race and religious beliefs.

Mainstream religious groups and human rights activists applauded the move, viewing the legislation as providing an extra layer of legal protection from an increasingly intolerant society. >>>>>

Police break up protest in Russia’s Ingushetia

September 2, 2008

Ingushetia lies next to Chechnya and North Ossetia at the heart of Russia’s north Caucasus. Bombings, murders and police crackdowns have wracked Ingushetia over the last 12 months and analysts say the instability could spread.

The protest started during the funeral of Magomed Yevloyev, owner of opposition website www.ingushetiya.ru, who died on Sunday after being shot while in police custody.  >>>>>

Malaysia: Anwar backed by Islamist party after election win

August 30, 2008

Kuala Lumpur, 27 August (AKI) – Malaysia’s de facto opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim, extended his political base on Wednesday when an Islamist party endorsed him as leader of a key anti-government alliance. >>>>>