Denying the undeniable: Enforced disappearances in Pakistan

July 26, 2008

…Masood Janjua and Faisal Faraz are among hundreds of victims of enforced disappearance in Pakistan, including children as young as nine and ten years old.  Many of them were detained after the attacks in the USA on 11 September 2001, their detentions justified in the name of the US-led “war on terror”.  >>>>>

At what point do Muslims get to refer to the successful attempt(s) at their annihilation a ‘war on terror’?

Rice: Pakistan must do more against Taliban

July 25, 2008

PERTH, Australia (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Pakistan needs to do more to prevent Taliban militants from launching attacks into Afghanistan from its territory.  Speaking Friday in Australia, Rice suggested to reporters that a surge in Taliban-related violence in Afghanistan had its source in the restive semiautonomous tribal areas along Pakistan’s border with Afghanistan.

“We understand that it’s difficult, we understand that the northwest frontier area is difficult, but militants cannot be allowed to organize there and to plan there and to engage across the border,” Rice said. <<<<<<

Americans, including Democrats, point too much toward Afghanistan.  If they were not part of the WTC Bombings; and it has already been established that we are in Iraq based on lies; why is it that we believe the lies and reasons for why we are in Afghanistan?