Nine elite troops ambushed in southern Afghanistan

September 3, 2008

In Parliament, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson both renewed their commitment to the war in Afghanistan despite the latest losses, which brought the Australian toll there to six dead and 52 wounded. >>>>>

Even despite international consensus that Aghanistan, nor its people had anything to do with why they say they went to war to begin with?

Malaysian Islamic lender eyes Australia, Philippines

September 2, 2008
“It’s a lot easier to educate and approach those markets where they have not even heard of Islamic banking. The GCC market is a bit saturated.”  The Middle East has been a magnet for Islamic lenders looking to ride on the industry’s boom, due to its vast reserves of oil earnings and large Muslim population.  >>>>>

Somalian Islamists deny involvement in abduction

August 25, 2008

Somalian Islamists say they had no part in the abduction of two journalists at the weekend. They suspect that the kidnappers of a Canadian reporter and an Australian photographer are only interested in collecting a ransom, and have no political motives for their action. The Islamists added that they would try to secure the release of the two journalists. >>>>>

In the U.S., there is a way to treat people who are accused…”innocent until proven guilty.” Given the fact that the Islamists denied it, and the media record that the West has on issues relating to Islam and helping with their embedded propaganda efforts in promoting imperialism — I’m inclined to believe the Somali Islamists.

Australia has its own version of AIPAC, called “AIJAC”

August 25, 2008

AIJAC brings to Australia such “distinguished” persons as Michael Ledeen, he of the Niger Yellowcake forgeries and Daniel Pipes, the one that is the poster child for Islamopobia.

And guess what their web site is pushing for? That’s right, pushing to get Australia involved in fighting another war for Israel, with these headlines: >>>>>

Alleged jihad writer ‘was a journalist’

August 25, 2008

Australian Federal Police (AFP) case officer Dale Redfern today said he knew of intercepted emails referring to Belal Saadallah Khazaal as being a journalist.

….He further agreed Mr Khazaal took steps to remove the book from the almagdese website, three days after the search, and weeks before his arrest.

Mr Redfern said Mr Khazaal was eventually granted bail after his arrest and has remained on bail since that time, living at his home address. >>>>>

Well, looks like a case is not going to get too far, God-willing. But the media coverage did wonders for negative public opinion about Muslims.

Muslim graves vandalized

August 14, 2008

POLICE are investigating an attack on 24 Muslim headstones at a cemetery in Scunthorpe. The incident took place overnight on Monday at Brumby Cemetery – the second time the graveyard has been vandalised in less than two years. >>>>>

24 headstones belonging to Muslims, in a non-Muslim country – yet they can’t determine whether it’s a hate crime. If it were only one Jewish headstone, for example, there would be no doubt it was anti-semitic hate – and on the front page. This sort of biased reporting allows some to later say, “We covered the story;” while in reality, the are minimizing the coverage of a what should be seen as a bigger story. The elements of propaganda work on many levels and has its goals aimed in many different directions.

Judge warns jury against tendency towards Islamophobia

August 11, 2008
A judge has warned a jury the Muslim religion is not on trial as they hear the case against a Sydney man accused of producing a Jihad instruction book.  >>>>>
 It’s a clear sign that a society suffers from Islamophobia, xenophobia and bigotry when a judge has to make these distinctions.  If a priest or rabbi abuses a child or commits a crime in general, a judge normally doesn’t have to tell a jury that their “religion is not on trial.” 

Muslim accused of terror gets a double payout

August 10, 2008

A former staffer at a Sydney mosque who was wrongfully branded a “supporter of terrorism” in newspaper reports has had his defamation payout doubled to more than $250,000.  >>>>>

I’m sure Muslims would themselves gladly pay triple to never have been wrongfully accused (as is the norm) in the first place.

“Defamation is becoming a necessity of life; inasmuch as a dish of tea in the morning or evening cannot be digested without this stimulant.” – Thomas Jefferson

Residents will fight Anthony Mundine over Muslim retreat

August 6, 2008

BOXER Anthony Mundine’s rumoured interest in turning a Central Coast resort into a Muslim retreat has prompted neighbours to threaten legal action.  Locals yesterday vowed to fight possible plans to turn the Dooralong Valley Resort into a private hideaway for Muslims, as uncertainty about the development grew.  >>>>>

So, democracy, pursuit of happiness, capitalism and rule of law don’t apply when it’s an issue that benefits Muslims?  Is that the message we should get here?