Joe Biden’s the Man on Guantanamo, Iraq and the “War on Terror”

…Sen. Biden has also repeatedly cast doubt on the very notion of a “War on Terror,” declaring, in a speech in April 2008, in which he lambasted the Bush administration for making “fear the main driver of our foreign policy,” “Terrorism is a means, not an end, and very different groups and countries are using it toward very different goals. If we can’t even identify the enemy or describe the war we’re fighting, it’s difficult to see how we will win.”

Reassuringly, for those who care about the Bush administration’s assault on fundamental human rights, holding prisoners neither as Prisoners of War protected by the Geneva Conventions nor as criminal suspects to be tried in US courts, Sen. Biden has been unstinting in his opposition to the prison at Guantánamo Bay. In June 2005, he called for Guantánamo to be closed, telling ABC News that it had “become the greatest propaganda tool that exists for recruiting of terrorists around the world.”  >>>>>

Obama has been questionable on his Muslim stance.  He seemed to have been flip-flopping on critical issues relating to Muslims here and abroad and caving in early to AIPAC’s expectations.  Let’s hope that Biden can fill in the gaps where Obama is weak in.  Hopefully, together, they can bring about a more just U.S.  While I remain skeptical; it’s solely based on the good-will towards humanity that all presidents espouse, yet later falter due to somehow getting snagged into the web of politics.

2 Responses to Joe Biden’s the Man on Guantanamo, Iraq and the “War on Terror”

  1. Kissinger says:

    Some of our greatest catastrophes have been caused by people talking, and some by people not talking.StephenHawkingStephen Hawking, British physicist

  2. Thanks for the info, have been looking a few nights for this.

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