Afghanistan criticises US attack

Afghanistan’s president has criticised US forces for “unilateral operations” in the west which, the government says, killed at least 70 civilians.  >>>>>



These are a people who have always claimed that they do not support, nor were responsible for 9/11.  When asked, most Americans still can’t come up with the reason for why we attacked Afghanistan.  The real reason was planned years before the war, to seek a safehaven in controlling oil distribution via a pipeline.  The spark to war was the claim that Osama, who was living in Afghanistan be arrested and extradited without a tria, etc.  Afghanistan needed more evidence, and they were right.  We have already proven that we have lied our way into Iraq.  Since Afghanistan is misunderstood, and more impoverished than Iraqis (who weren’t at all), Americans are less likely to complain.

We have no true justification for being in either war, including by way of U.S. and international laws – much less the sovereign laws of the very same nation(s).  Karzai, our implanted head of state, who controls the patch of Afghanistan that he controls, continues to complain about what amounts to be war crimes.  When an ally is doing this, and those defending the occupation, how much more of a megaphone does one need?  These war crimes are not isolated incidents.  We are just having a tough time suppressing the complaints. 

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