Why Vincent Bugliosi’s “Bush Is a Murderer” Book Is Too Risque Even For Don Imus

You might think cable news networks, morning gab shows, and Comedy Central’s unique offering of satire soapboxes might be interested in the new book from Vincent Bugliosi, the Los Angeles county prosecutor who put Charles Manson behind bars, who’s now promoting The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder, which has sold a quite remarkable 130,000 copies.
You would be wrong.

Bugliosi and his publicity team can’t get him booked on Today or Good Morning America, let alone Countdown or The Colbert Report. Book review publications, so far including the New York Times (it’s “under consideration”), won’t write up his manuscript. Don Imus won’t even accept his advertising. Don Imus! (Bugliosi has, however, conducted some 100 radio interviews.) Read entire article…

It’s a shame when a respected and reputable attorney, does his job properly and those who claim to be fair and balanced and want to report the truth simply say “We are not interested.” I guess Jack Nicholson was right in A Few Good Men when he shouted “YOU CAN”T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!”

3 Responses to Why Vincent Bugliosi’s “Bush Is a Murderer” Book Is Too Risque Even For Don Imus

  1. Spence Reid says:

    It is astonishing to me that this book has not received wider press. It is a case of the “Emperor’s new clothes” all over again – with Bugliosi as the little boy in the story. It is imperative that this book be read and assimilated – to restore the dignity to the office that George W. Bush as so unashamedly stripped it of.

  2. Sonja says:

    Bush and Cheney BOTH are murderers and BOTH will go to prison.

  3. Wow, I was fortunate to stumble on this page when I was looking for some info on Gigablast! Keep up the great writing!

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