Iraq: US dropped nuclear bomb near Basra in 1991, claims veteran

October 9, 2008

An American veteran of the first Gulf War in Iraq claims that the United States dropped a five-kilotonne nuclear bomb in 1991 in a deserted area outside the southern city of Basra on the Iranian border.

The claim by US war veteran Jim Brown was made during an interview included in a 30-minute current affairs report to be broadcast by Italian state news channel RaiNews24 on Thursday.  Brown told the Italian news channel that the bombing took place on the last day of the war in Iraq on 27 February 1991. >>>>>

How ironic and despicable if true.  We attack a whole country and kill more civilians than a non-culpable military many times over in order to ‘seek out weapons of mass destruction;’ only to find that there were no WMDs; and upon defeating the people we wrongfully attacked, we make our point by actually unnecessarily and criminally dropping a nuclear bomb.  When people around the world here this, it brings about a greater sense of urgency for justice and disdain for the cheerleaders for terms like “human rights,” “democracy,” “freedom,” “we only seek to offer humanitarian aid…”

Fan’s kiss ends Tamer Hosni’s Kuwait concert

October 6, 2008

The newspaper reported that security removed the adoring fan and the Information Ministry abruptly ended the concert one hour ahead of schedule Hosni, who had sung only three songs, apologized to the audience and said that he wished he could stay with them until dawn, but the decision was out of his control.

The Kuwaiti parliament discussed the incident and castigated the ministers of Trade, Information and Interior, according to al-Qabas. Islamist MPs criticized the live broadcast of the concert and the slow response from security.  >>>>>

Music and other stimuli are very enticing.  It slowly, sometimes quickly, causes us to lose control of ourselves.  Other times, the performers are perceived as something greater than that what is normal.  Would this not be the road to ‘minor shirk?’  While many Westerners understand this to be incorrect, they do so until they find out that it was their wives or girlfriend(s) are throwing their undergarments to someone like Tom Jones or Elvis Presley. Look at the reaction of the people who follow(ed) Michael Jackson or the Beatles.  Sometimes un-#$%*-believable.  Yet if their own prophet, whom many take as a god, were to walk in front of them, he would not be given the time of day.

Gulf People Gain Weight in The Fasting Month of Ramadan

August 31, 2008

In order to balance the food intake and weight gain, exercise is a vital factor in the month of fasting, he suggested. In addition, people should pay more and more attention to the quality and amount of food they eat. They should intake salads and fruits, as well as green tea at the end of each meal.

Dr Bu Abbas is strictly against the habit of sleeping after breakfast, which is common amongst people in the Gulf, and also warns against excessive eating and suggests that one should eat only in case of hunger.  >>>>>

Nothing Behind US Allegations Against Iran?

August 16, 2008

While the United States has repeatedly accused Iran of providing lethal weapons to Shi’ite militias, last week, U.S. officials once again failed to provide solid evidence for this charge, raising questions about the actual level of Iran’s meddling in Iraq. >>>>>

Power exempts one’s need to be credible. It appears that most of the world knows what is happening; but the majority still lack the guts and/or know-how to combat tyrrany.  There is no solid evidence, and less solid proof on anything associated with terrorism.  Yet there are still masses who will be in fear because of the stories.  On occasion, because of the charges and time stacked against an accused, he may take a plea deal; especially if he was tortured by the “good guys.”

Islam and Saudi Arabia, champions of dialogue?

July 31, 2008

The Saudi king takes more steps to show openness towards Christians, Jews and other religions. The most urgent reason is to rectify Islam’s violent image but also stems from a new attitude towards inter-faith dialogue towards the People of the Book (Jews, Muslims and Christians), but also atheists, Hindus and Buddhists. >>>>>

“I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.” – Bible, John (ch. XVII, v. 9)